The Run

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LIfe never turns out how you plan. Once you reach a cross road in your life, you choice sends you on a spiral of the unkown.

-Monica James

Danny's POV

"No!" I screamed half of me excited and the other pissed. I did not want to be the weird once every 100 years wolf!
"Yes. It's not like you can change what color your wolf is!" Jones tried to sooth me.
"No! I do not want to be a white wolf! That wasn't suppose to happen! I was suppose to be red and black like mom or dad!" I cried. No more could I go unseen I was now "special".
"Well grow up and deal with it. C'mon." Jasper grabbed my arm, "let's go for a run." I didn't object though. He was my Alpha so I just listened and went along.
"What's that gonna do?" I complained.
"It's going to let your wolf out so you can get exercise." He said and I rolled my eyes at him. Then, we got uo to the small clearing and he shifted first. Reluctantly, I did too.
Run let's see how far you can go. Jasper mind linked me, so I did I ran and ran until I had no more left in me.
For a while, nothing bothered me. I took it all in and noticed how beautiful it was. The leaves were turning from small buds to beautiful full leaves on the huge trees, there was morning dew on the grass, I saw a clearing in the woods, so I slowly walked to it. There I saw the most beautiful lake ever.
There was a small cabin surrounded, trees surrounded it, the water was caught between a beautiful blue and green, flowers were blossoming, and then something totally ruined the image. Something from out of nowhere tackled me.
My instincts take over, and I threw him to the ground. Then, he looked at me with those beautiful eyes and it was like everything stopped. This wolf wasn't Jasper, no, he was much more special.
Mason's POV
I was peacefully laying in bed when my beta, Matt, came in. "What do you want Matt?!" Recently he had been dating some girl and they had split. More like she told him to get the move on cause he would find his mate soon and so would she. Now every night, he would come in and tell me how he thought he had her, but he never did.
"They found a trespasser on our land, Alpha." Matt said quietly.
"And they couldn't deal with it, why?" I sat up in my bed. Normally, they dealt with everything except rogues, so I was really confused.
"Well Alpha, this was a pure white wolf." Matt trembled. Just my luck! Some super powered crazy ass white wolf was trespassing. What else? Was it a rogue too?!
"Shit! I'm going; where is it?" I said pushing past him.
"At the lake next to the border at the Golden Crest pack." Quickly I sprinted into the woods and ran for several miles.
Then about a mile from the lake, I shifted into my wolf. Not thinking about what I was doing, I tackled the wolf.
It's wolf must have taken over because I was easily thrown off. The beautiful creator's eyes were a pale yellow. When it looked her in the eye, it was like the whole world stopped. I was only focused on the beautiful white figure. Then, my wolf Bruce took over.
"That's our mate!" He said. Wow, I finally found her.
Jasper's POV
After I told her to run, I felt stupid. She didn't know where the boaundary lines were! If she ended up on the Silver Moon's territory, she could be killled. Danny was a white wolf. I could have just killed my best friend. Danny could be dead! What will I tell Toria?! I am more afraid of her than she is of me! And that is saying a lot because I am the Alpha.

Danny, can you hear me?! I attempted to mind link her. Notice that I said attempted. So yeah nothing, it was dead silent. I panicked and followed her scent. Shit! She had definitley gone into the Silver Moon's territory.

Toria! Help! Danny ran into the Silver Moon's territory! Get to the clearing now! I called running back to our normal meeting spot. I was in a dead sprint. I was the worst Alpha/big brother ever! Ever was the only one who I really could talk to and have fun with.

I am sending Damien and Rose Ann out. I will stay at the house just in case they bring her here. If she comes back, I will tell you. She told me. She was also panicking. God dammit I am sure as hell dead!

So now Damien and Rose Ann were sitting at the clearing waiting on me. I couldn't believe this!

So you guys start at the border and make your way around. I will see if Matt will answer me. He will know if they found her. I told them and they left. Soon I shifted back so I could call Matt. Repeatedly I called him over and over. I left him continuous voicemails and nothing back. Wow, this is just great!

Jasper! We saw a truck with Danny in it! She was with a huge guy though! We will meet you back at the house. Rose Ann told me. Thank God!

God damn you Jasper! I am gonna have to kill you! You better get your ass over here this instant! Toria yelled at me over the mind link. So I called my beta. Brindly Richmond and her brother Stefan Richmond.


So I hope y'all have liked it so far! I am trying so hard for y'all! Keep reading for more! The next chapter will be longer I promise.

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