Betas and Lunas

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*Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody else thinks. Do what you have to do for you.*

Matt's POV

"You never said your ex as Danny More! You only called her Danny!" Mason yelled.

"Mason calm down please! I didn't know that he was even a part of this pack!" Ever tried to calm Mason down.

"She better not be staying. She freaking broke my heart! She said that if I found my mate while we were together, it would be too much! I never batted an eye at any other girl!" I snapped m. I now hatted Ever with a passion.

"You were always bitching about my family. God, damn! I mean Alex refused to be in the house with you!" Ever spat at me. The heart break still stung for me. She may have been the Alpha's mate, but I still wanted her back.

"Your family bitched about me! Victoria hated me, Jasper was an ass, Damien just glared at me, Jones was the worst, and Alex just hated me! Rose Ann was the only one with the slightest bit of respect for me!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Dude seriously?! Alex didn't like you because you hit her boyfriend! He was 13 he didn't do a god damn thing to you!! Trevor and I were talking! Then, you just walked up and punched him! No actually, you beat the shit outta him!!!" Ever pointed her finger at me.

"She can't stay Mason." I turned to him. He looked like he could flip out at any minute.

"Oh yeah why not?!" Mason wrapped his arms around Danny.

"Because she's a freaking bitch! It ain't fair!" I was wanting to hit something so bad right then.

"What the hell did you just call me!?" Danny pulled from Mason.

"A freaking bitch who had slept with every guy in the school." That was her snapping point. She pulled her fist back and hit me square in the face. My body started bleeding instantly. Mason was trying hard not to laugh. Until I was getting ready to slap her.

"Don't you dare touch her."
Mason grabbed my hand mid-swing.

"Mason God damnit! It's her or me! The God forsaken whore or your best friend." I ripped my hand from him.

"She is my mate. You can't do this to me." Mason stepped back and wrapped his arms around Danny again. Seeing her with someone else just angered me so much.

"I can and I will. The girl or your beta." I took a step to him.

"You know what I will choose." Mason pulled her closer to him.

"Yeah I do know." I paused with a small smile. "See ya bitch! I will help you pack your shit!" That was the slightest bit cocky.

}"No, Matt. I am sorry. I choose her. Ever is my mate and the Luna. I am sorry for it to come to this man. You don't have to go though. You can stay and do this." He felt bad. I could see it. I didn't care though. I was pissed.

"Fine, find yourself a new beta. I am done with this pack. Hope you have a good life without me." I walked out of the house. He betrayed me. How could he?! Well I had a phone call to make. If he was ready to betray people, so was I.

Danny's POV

I felt so bad. His pack was splitting up, and it was my fault.

"Mason I can leave. I am sorry. This is my fault." I sighed.

"No! If he doesn't want to be here with my mate, he can just f@!king leave. That is absolutely fine." Mason pulled me closer to his chest.

"What is going to happen? You can't just go without a beta!" I realized that Matt just quit and became rogue.

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