Home and secrets

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Danny's POV
"We are home. We bought this house." Mason explained. Toria, Dylan, Jasper, Brindly, Jones, Damien, Rose Ann, Alex, and Trevor were all there.
"This is our house?" I smiled.
"Yes. I thought a beautiful mate like mine needed a beautiful house. That way if we need another house, we have the pack house too." Mason grabbed my hands.
"Mason I can't even finds the words to thank you. You brought my family here, you bought us a house, this is amazing." I hugged him.
"Your welcome, princess." He kissed my head.
"Am I gonna get to see my best friend that I haven't barely spoken to in the last four days?!" Brindly complained.
"Hey girl. Sorry I didn't call you on your birthday. I had Luna induction that night." I hugged Brindly.
"Yeah it was just a little odd that my best friend wasn't there. Especially on my birthday. I've missed you a lot." Brindly hugged me back.
"Yeah I've missed you too." I laughed.
"Hey. You know your brothers and sisters would like to see you too! Even the extras are missin ya." Rose tapped on my shoulder.
"Oh yeah. Hey Rose." I chuckled giving her a hug. "Wait you didn't?!" Rose's scent was mixed with Damien's.
"I did." Rose giggled. Everyone was confused.
"Oh my god. Wow! That is amazing!" I screamed.
"What are you talking about?" Toria and Alex asked.
"Are you going to tell them?" I asked Rose. Rose and I had this weird bond that no one else had with either of us.
"Eh in time." She looked at Damien. "Right Damien?"
"What?" Damien was having his own conversation with Mason and Dylan. Rose cleared her throat. "Oh yes. In time." Damien winked at her. I smiled. Then, I saw Toria behind me.
"I've missed you too. Ya know?" Toria crossed her arms.
"Yes I know. I just talked to you, Alex, and Brindly last night." I laughed and and hugged Toria.
"Yeah I know. And Mason! What the hell!?" Toria yelled.
"What?" Mason turned around with a confused expression on his face.
"I can't believe you." Toria grabbed Mason by the ear.
"He's gonna get an earful." Alex snickered. Trevor was still holding Alex's hand.
"Can I get a hug?" I opened my arms up to Alex. She slipped form Trevor. I had been pretty good about keeping everyone away from my mark, but I didn't pay attention to which side Alex went to. My neck was extremely sore. Guess what?! Alex hit right on target. I squirmed and groaned.
"What was that about?" Alex pulled away.
"Oh nothing. I'm just a little sore right there." I grabbed my neck so no one could see.
"That's not just sore. Maybe from a hickey or- no way!" Alex yelled.
"What? I do not have a hickey!" I screamed.
"No, I know what happened! Oh my god! Move you hand." Alex screamed.
"NO!" I protested. Rose Ann walked up behind me.
"Rose! Danny is hiding something from us!" Alex snitched.
"No I ain't!" I gritted my teeth.
"Yes you are. Under your hand! You are 'sore'." Alex used the quote hand things.
"Danny just show me." Rose crossed her arms.
"Nope." I shook my head.
"Now!" Rose smacked the back of my head. It gave Alex just enough time to pull my hand away.
"Why the hell did you not tell me?!" Brindly screamed looking at my mark. "Oh my god!"
"Oh God, what?" Jones asked.
"Nothing nothing." I covered it back up after Brindly screamed.
"He marked her!" Alex screamed. Jasper spun around.
"He did what?" Jasper was pissed.
"Nothing." I wrapped my other arm around my neck.
"Danny, tell me now." Jasper growled.
"Nope I will not. No one else will either." I gave everyone a warning glare.
"Somebody will." Brindly shook her head in denial. "Baby, what is going on with Brindly?" No response. Thank God! A devilish smile appeared on Jasper's face. "Fine then. You brought this upon yourself." His hands snaked down to her thighs. The other one grabbed the back of her neck, and he pulled her into a kiss. When he pulled away, he looked deep into her eyes. "So Brindly, what did big ole Mason do to Danny?"
"Uh Mason marked Danny." Brindly whispered.
"Brindly, I'm gonna kick your ass!" I yelled and dropped my hand from my neck.
"Not before I kick yours! And Mason's!" Jasper yelled back. I quickly brushed my hair over my mark attempting to cover it.
"Jasper. It was bound to happen!" I tried to calm him down.
"You're my baby sister! Let me see it!" Jasper threw my hair back. He kept examining it. Every once in a while, he would touch it and make me wince. "When did this happen?!"
"It happened last night after we fought." Jasper let go.
"Did you have sex too? Are you pregnant?!" Jasper was pacing. I kept looking at Brindly hoping she would do something.
"No Jasper. I have not slept with him yet. You wanna know who I have though?!" I said in a snotty attitude. Yup, definitely testing him.
"Go ahead. Tell me." Jasper crossed his arms. Now we were inches apart. He may have been 6'6", and me only being 5'10". I was not afraid of him.
"Let's see: Matt, Damon, couple of guys from school, and some other places top." I glared at Jasper.
"What is going on?" Toria walked in.
"What is going on? I will-" Alex cut Jasper off.
"Mason marked Danny."
"That's great!" Toria exclaimed.
"That's wonderful? How can that be wonderful?!" Jasper growled.
"It is wonderful because she has a chance." I was so confused.
"There is a chance of what?" I yelled at Toria.
"Listen Danny. You and everyone else in the family will live forever."
Ah snap! Danny is immortal! So what do you think will happen?! 😶 Psht crazy! Keep reading lovelies!😝😊

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