Let's Get Crazy

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Live it up, drink it down, party hard.


Mason's POV

Several days before I had told Ever that she would move in with me she wasn't too terribly impressed with that idea. Toria told Ever that she would leave with me on Friday after she graduated. Since she was a senior, of course I had to see my mate graduate. I was happy for her. Sitting in the stands watching her walk across that stage made me so happy. When she reached for her diploma, I stood up and screamed her name as loud as I could. Then, so did Jasper, Damien, and Jones. We were all so proud. Ever blushed, big time. Soon the caps flew in the air, and we were going to go and meet her.

When I saw her standing at a table, I ran as fast as I could to meet her. Well, at least with out having to use my super speed. She didn't see me though, so when I ran up to her, she yelped. I picked her up and spun around with her. She squealed with joy and wrapped her arms around me. I buried my head in her neck and breathed in her scent. Then, she pulled back and smiled at me. I quickly pulled her into a kiss, and we stood there for a while. Finally, someone came and tapped on my shoulder. Ever pulled away from me.

"Ya know, there are some other people who would really like to see her too!" Dylan looked up at me. Oh how I love being taller than everyone else. Reluctantly, I let her down. She then hugged everyone, and finally, it was time to go.

"So, it's time to go get ready for the party." Victoria pointed out. I looked down at my watch. She was right, it was 5:45. 

"So since you guys didn't let me drive, I guess I can ride back with Ever." I admitted. Earlier, before we went to the graduation, Victoria and I were arguing about which car we would take and who would drive. Well guess who won. Not Victoria and sure as hell not me. Jasper ended up driving. Sadly, I ended up in between Alex and Jones in the back seat. The whole time they argued.  I was so close to killing one of them.

"Okay, so you help her pack her gifts into her car and then meet us at the house." Rose Ann said. It was very strange when she talked. She was almost always quiet and kept to herself, but when she did talk to me, she was sweet and caring.

"Yeah, we can meet you all at the house. I guess we will be there in about 15 to 30 minutes. That will give me some time to help you decorate, and I guess Ever can get ready." I smiled at Ever. She was looking back up at me.

"Sounds great see you there, girlie." Rose Ann hugged her one last time, and everyone else followed Rose Ann out the door. We started packing everything out to the car, and then, Brindly the little bitch who growled at me, stopped us.

"We did it! So not to rush, but the party is starting when? I need to be able to have enough time to get ready." She said and looked over at me. Right away, she glared. In return, I did the same.

"It is gonna start at 8:30." My sweet mate said as she hung up her graduation robe.

"Okay, then, I will see you there at about 8:15." She smiled and hugged Ever. "See you there, Mason." Brindly spat at me. Wow I seriously did hate her.

"Well, I guess I am ready to pack out." Ever turned around to face me.

"Alright then, let's get the move on." I said pulling her back to the table. That is when some little girl came over. She looked like she was about 16, had long brown hair, had deep blue eyes, and was definitely not a wolf.

"Well well well, look who we have here." She spat at my mate. I did not take that very well. I walked up behind Ever and wrapped my arms around her waist.

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