The New Game

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I could feel another set of eyes looking at me. I could feel sand beneath me and the glaring, hot sun. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jeff Probst staring at me.

 I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jeff Probst staring at me

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"Get up Survivor, you need to get into tribes!"

I was bewildered at the sound of Jeff's voice. It was one I had heard many times from the comfort of my couch, but now instead of being happy to hear him, I was scared. I slowly got up rubbing my eyes, as were hurting from the sun. I looked around and I saw other people, they all looked different but had the same expression on their faces, fear. As I walked over to the other people no one said a thing. I felt something around my neck and it was a coloured buff. I found my colour which was green and my tribe's name was Mua. There were three other tribes, purple (Ola), blue (Esse) , and yellow (Cowa) .Then Jeff began to say,

"Welcome to Survivor! I hope you guys are excited to be here, I know I am!" Jeff said the last part with a big sinister grin plastered on his face. "Your first challenge is for immunity at Tribal tonight."

I look out at the course and Jeff describes what we have to do.

"You will start by going across the bamboo balance beam, if one person falls over, the whole tribe has to start from the beginning. After your tribe makes it across the balance beam you have to form a human ladder to scale the wall. Once all of you get over the wall you have to solve the star puzzle. Good luck!"

As the challenge started we all started to make our way across the balance beam. We were all about halfway through the beam when one person on our team fell. I was upset but then realized if we do lose I may not be the first target. Finally, after restarting, we got across the beam, looking over at the other three tribes I noticed one is behind us but the other two tribes were far ahead of us. We scrambled to get over the wall, the same girl whom I don't know the name of yet, fell and put us even further behind the two other tribes. Even with that, we made it over the wall and now to the puzzle, which I'm quite good at. Looking over at Esse and Cowa I see they are both struggling with the puzzle, this could be our chance to win! I can hear Jeff yelling about how close we are but as I'm doing the puzzle I tune him out.

 Looking over at Esse and Cowa I see they are both struggling with the puzzle, this could be our chance to win! I can hear Jeff yelling about how close we are but as I'm doing the puzzle I tune him out

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My tribe Mua was so close to winning, but just as I put the final piece in I heard celebrating coming from the other three tribes. I'm in shock, thinking to myself how did Ola beat us? As I hear Jeff telling the 'viewers' about the results of the challenge my vision gets blurry, I stumble but regain my balance. I just realized I haven't had any water since I've been on this mysterious island.

"Congratulations on winning immunity Esse, Cowa, and Ola! Mua, I'll see you at Tribal tonight, go find your camps." Jeff said to us.

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