Tribal Council

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You could see defeat and disappointment as we walked to find our new home for the next 39 days if we even last that long. We all had jobs so we could build our shelter. I was tasked with gathering palm leaves along with a barista named Angie. We got to talk about our careers and hobbies. I also decided to ask her a question that I had been dying to know the answer to. "Do you remember what happened before you got here?" I questioned Angie. "All I remember is getting off of work, it was around 8:30 pm so it was a bit dark outside, that's all I remember though. The next thing I remember is waking up here." This didn't help me at all. "I think our best shot of staying in the game is to team up and vote together." I stated. Angie nodded and agreed. We then both came to the conclusion we would vote out a person named Emi. We decided not to vote out the girl who kept falling (we later found out her name was Gabby) because as long as someone was weaker than me I was safe and the target was off my back. When we got back to the camp I saw some people conversing but others were still too scared to say anything. One girl was sitting down hugging her knees with her hands rocking back and forth. As night fell we all headed off to Tribal. My heart was racing, while one part of me wanted to go home yet the other part of me wanted to win the $1 million.

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We all grabbed torches, lit them, and sat down

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We all grabbed torches, lit them, and sat down."As you know in this game the fire represents your life, when it dies so do you. Welcome to your first Tribal Council. So tell me how you guys are feeling." Jeff questioned us. "I think this past few hours have been hard. Starting off with a loss always hurts and I know my morale is down, but I think we can get up from this loss and come back strong in the next challenge." said a guy who's name was Todd. I could see other people nodding their heads in agreement with his statement. A few of my other tribe mates talked about what happened during the challenge and how they were feeling. I chimed in a bit too but didn't want to talk too much. "It's time to vote, Angie you're up." I zoned out as Jeff called people up to vote until it was my turn. I walked up to the voting hut and saw the classic paper and ink pen. I jotted down Emi's name nervously and put it into the box. As I walked back to my seat my legs were shaking and it made it hard to walk. "I'll go tally the votes," Jeff told us. As he was tallying the votes I looked around and I could see some people sitting up straight with confidence, but most people had their heads down and fidgeting with their hands. Jeff returned and told us, "If anyone has an advantage or hidden immunity idol you would like to play, now is the time." No one wanted to use one so Jeff said, "Okay I'll read the votes. The first vote is Gabby." Jeff read out. Most of the votes were for Gabby but there were only two votes for Emi. "The first person voted out of Survivor, Gabby, that is 4 votes and that is enough. Please bring me your torch." Jeff told her. I wasn't surprised by this outcome but it scared me because now I could be the target for everyone. As Jeff extinguished Gabby's torch all of a sudden she is on the ground with blood oozing from her head. Everyone was in shock, everyone except for Jeff who was smiling at the dead body. Some people in our tribe screamed and one person even fainted. I felt frozen and I couldn't move even though my body was telling me to get as far away from this place as possible. "Please return back to your camp, have a good night!" Jeff smiled at us. I somehow found the strength in me to gather my things and walk back to our camp. While we were walking everyone was silent, whether in shock or in mourning I couldn't tell. I tried my best to fall asleep but I couldn't, all I could think about was me dead on the floor like Gabby was, just mere hours ago.

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