Chapter 21 - It's been a week now

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It had been a week since the kiss. Ruel hadn't spoken a word to anyone, but shut himself in his room again. And now I was in my room, packing my things, and getting ready to move to our house next door. I'm not going to lie, I was a little sad to be leaving. Even though I was only moving next door, Coco and Sylvie had become like my sisters. And I was sad to have to leave Ruel on this note.

I was so confused. I was confused with myself, with my feelings, with Ruel. I was just confused. Was I in love with him? I didn't think so to begin with, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. That was the reason why I couldn't help but admire him when he was standing in front of me, why I was so in love with his scent, why his skin felt so warm, so right on mine. And why the kiss felt so perfect. I was irrevocably in love with him. There was no denying it now.

But I still had one question that my brain would not let go of. Why did he kiss me? He clearly was not ready for it, so why? Why would he kiss me?

"Sunday! We are leaving in 10 minutes!" my mum yelled up to me, snapping me out of my daydream.

"I'm nearly done!" I yelled back, quickly shoving the final clothes I had in my cupboard into my bag. I ended up with Ruel's hoodie in my hand, and I suddenly felt like crying. I hated knowing the fact he didn't want to talk to me. I hated Valory for breaking his heart. I hated that I messed things up with the kiss. I hated myself.

I shoved the hoodie in my suitcase, forcing myself to zip it up. I had to leave. I couldn't have a mental breakdown now. I lifted my limbs, trudging out of my room and lifting my heavy suitcase down the stairs. I was met at the bottom of the stairs with my family exchanging hugs with the Van Dijks. Neveah was sitting on her phone, as always, and my mum and dad were looking happy-sad. I didn't want to cry. But when I saw Coco and Sylvie standing there, I realised I wouldn't be as close as I used to be to them, and that was what nearly made the hot tears stream down my face.

I let go of my bag, and immediately embraced the two blonde girls tightly. They hugged me back just as tightly, giving me a sense of belonging. I was going to miss them. A lot.

"We're having a girls night sometime soon! I promise," Sylvie half-smiled-half-sniffled.

"Definitely," my voice cracked, as I tried not to cry. As we pulled away, I noticed Coco had a weird look on her face. I knew that look. She had to talk to me. "Hey mum, I just need to go get! I left my hairbrush in Coco's room," I said quickly as Coco started to lead me back up the stairs.

"Of course you did," I heard my mum sigh as I ran up the stairs.

Coco lead me into her room and gave me a huge hug again. I hugged her back, knowing I would miss this.

"I don't know what happened, but thank you for trying. I'll try to talk to him later, but I don't know if he will listen to me," she said, not letting go of me. I pondered on whether or not I should tell her about the kiss. I decided it was best not to. If Ruel hadn't told her already, I guessed that he wasn't really ecstatic about it. But in the moment, he felt so real, so passionate, so there. And now he was numb, and anything but there. "Do you want to say goodbye? I understand if you don't feel comfortable."

I forced my lips together, thinking. Should I say goodbye? I didn't want to interrupt him, but I did want to say goodbye. I guess I was next door so I could always come talk to him later. I shook my head.

"Could I come talk to him later?" I asked politely, knowing she would probably say yes, but still asking out of courtesy.

"Yeah, yeah our parents love you, you can come whenever," she smiled in response, to which I forced a weak smile. I knew Ruel was not okay, and I needed to talk to him as soon as I could, but I was procrastinating it. "Girl's night next week?"

"Hell yeah!" I grinned. I loved girl's nights. They were the one time where you could drink as much as you wanted, dance as hard as you could, laugh so loud the club down the street could hear you, and nobody would dare judge you. Even though you end up with the worst hangover the next day, the night of fun is worth every minute of pain.

"I'll text you," she smiled sweetly as we left the room. My mum gave a suspicious look as we walked down the stairs.

"Turns out my hairbrush was in my bag after all! Silly me! Heh," I said awkwardly, grabbing a hold of my suitcase.

"Well, it was lovely having you all here, thank you for staying with us," Kate smiled widely at us, Neveah finally looking up from her phone.

"Thank you for having us. We will have to catch up for dinner soon!" my mum smiled back. 

"Definitely! We need to see the new house," she replied, waving us off as we began to exit. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as we left the house, rushed goodbyes being thrown around. I remembered the first time I had stepped in the house those 3 weeks ago, alone, having being left in the car. Their house looked beautiful in the moonlight. But now we were leaving to the old-looking california-style house next door, which looked not even half as nice. It was a beige colour, one-level house, obviously at least 25 years old. 

As we hobbled inside with our overpacked luggage, I couldn't help but notice the interior was no nicer than the outside. The walls were an off-grey, the carpet on the floor stained various shades. I absolutely hated it. The only thing remotely good about it was the windows. They had many many many windows. Which meant a lot of natural light, which I did like.

'My room particularly had a lot of windows, some quite low on the wall (easier for sneaking out). My bed was placed boringly in the centre of the room, decorated with some plain white sheets and pillows. There were also two bare bedside tables, a wardrobe and a dresser in the room. Everything was a pasty white, empty, plain and frankly, boring. This whole house was just plain boring.

"It's not very exciting hey?" a small voice said from behind me. I spun around to be met with some cheeky brown eyes. Neveah. 

"No," I sighed. "How's your room?"

"Eh, looks like someone died in it and nobody has lived in it for 40 years." she shrugged. "You know, the usual."

The more I looked at my room, the more I despised of it. I just knew I was probably going to go insane staring at the blank walls. 

"I don't want to unpack. Wanna come get donuts with me?" I asked, jingling the car keys. I'd managed to steal my parents' car keys off the bench while they were unpacking. 

"Is that even a question?" she grinned at me. Me and Neveah always loved donuts. We would always eat them as kids, and when I had been sick, it was one of the only foods I wasn't terrified to eat.

"Let's go then!"


Aaaaaand theyre gone. Bye my loves!

Please remember to treat yourself with some love, you deserve it.

Love you all so so much!

- Bri (grape) <33


Quote of the day:

I'm not good at talking, but I can write a song and tell a good story.

- Jorja Smith

Word Count: 1354

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