Chapter 22 - Are you Drunk?

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TW this chapter displays and discusses alcohol consumption.

I was stood in my bathroom, staring at myself in the musty mirror. I was wearing a gold silk mini dress, with a dark grey jacket over the top. My hair was neatly curled, and my face was touched with light makeup. It was a little bit out of my comfort zone, but this was girls night, I had to look good.

"You look fine, now hurry up, Coco and Sylvie are here," Neveah said, startling me. I spun around to face her, seeing her unimpressed facial expression. I didn't respond, but grabbed my bag and quickly shoved my feet into some gold sparkly converse. I was never a heels girl.

I quietly walked out into the kitchen to see Coco and Sylvie looking stunning, as always. Coco had some dark eyeliner on, the rest of her makeup pretty neutral, her hair was styled into waves, flowing just below her chin, and wearing a black mini dress with a pink blazer. Sylvie had either natural or no makeup on, I couldn't tell, but she looked flawless regardless. Her hair was up in a high bun, outlining her perfect jawline, and she had a midi silk skirt and a black turtleneck on.

Coco's attention turned to me, greeting me with a warm smile. She opened her arms for a hug, and I embraced her, the rich odour of her floral perfume encasing my nostrils. I pulled out of the quick embrace and flashed a smile towards Sylvie, who didn't seem to be as keen on hugs.

"You ready?" Coco smirked playfully.

"As I'll ever be," I smiled back, excited. Coco had decided to get an uber so that we didn't have to drive home, which was smarter than something I would do. When the uber got there, me and Sylvie sat in the back whilst Coco sat in the front. I had no idea where we were going, but I trusted Coco and Sylvie, so I didn't really think it over to harshly. 

We drove in silence the whole way, not wanting to distract the driver too much. Eventually, we stopped outside of a club with a line of girls in sparkly dresses trailing down the side of the building. It wasn't too long, so we just joined at the back, and got our IDs out, ready to show the bouncers.

"This club makes the best margaritas, you have to try them," Sylvie smiled, to which I nodded.

"Will do!" I returned the smile.

I got into the club, the amount of people in there immediately overwhelming me. There were bodies everywhere, some still, but most moving wildly, undoubtedly set off by the alcohol. I stepped into the crowd awkwardly, beginning to move my body to the beat.

"Stay here! We're going to get drinks!" Coco yelled over the music. I nodded, still dancing to the beat of the music.

It wasn't long until I had lost count of the drinks I had downed, and was now lost in the energy of the crowd of people. I don't remember if I had gotten the drinks from Coco or Sylvie, or from someone else, but the room was now spinning with colours, the vibrant colours of dresses confusing me. I had lost Coco and Sylvie in the crowd.

 I staggered my way out of the grinding bodies, managing to escape the steamy air of the club to the cool breeze outside. I collapsed against a brick wall, not entirely sure what I was going to do next. The world was still spinning as I reached for my phone, somehow unlocking it. I tapped into a green app, hoping it was the phone app, trying to call someone. Don't ask me why I was calling someone, I was drunk and alone, I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I pressed on a random number and held it to my ear. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the world to stop spinning as I listened to the ring of the phone. The ringing went silent, yet there was no sound from the other end. 

"Sunday?" a small voice, almost a whisper vibrated through the phone. 


My drunk self had just called Ruel.

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