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june 11 , 2020
..JJ AND MELODY knocked on the front door of her house. Jacob opened the door and let them in. "wassup jake" jj and him did their handshake that they made when jacob was 10 and jj was 13. "hey mel" he gave her a side hug. He was younger but taller by like 2 inches. Melody made her and jj some mac and cheese and they watched a marvel movie. Jj and jacob were talking about some video game and melody was scrolling through instagram when she came across a profile, "markreid8" with a picture of her dad?.

She clicked on it and it was a private account. She was confused, she still followed the account that her dad, Adam Quinn used to use when he was alive, so why was there a account with a selfie of her dad with the name "mark reid". She switched onto her catfish account that she made when she was 13. She requested to follow the account and waited for him to accept it. She ran to her room and grabbed her laptop and googled the name mark reid. nothing came up, well execpt the instagram account. A few hours later she got a notification from instagram saying that the account accepted her request. Jj had fallen asleep in her bed and she was sitting next to him scrolling through "mark reid's" instagram account. Her hand went over her mouth when she saw pictures of her dad. Her dad that was dead? "what the actual fuck" she mumbled to herself. There were pictures of him and a women and two kids. They looked really happy. She slammed her laptop shut and stared at her wall, her thoughts were running wild.
Was her dad alive and her mom lied? Did something happen between her mom and dad that made him leave and change his name?
She didnt know what to think, so she decided not to. She laid next to jj and fell asleep.

june 12, 2020
The next morning she woke up with jj's arm around her waist and his head on her shoulder. She picked up her phone and it was 10:27 am. Jj stirred and his eyes opened.

"morning" his voice was raspy.

"morning jay" she yawned.

They got up and brushed their teeth and melody washed her face. They went downstairs and jacob was making eggs. "morning guys" he said and pushed two plates towards them . "morning" the two teens said and they all began eating. "i have a shift in about an hour so can you drop me off at the chateau before?" jj asked and melody nodded.

Melody pulled up to the chateau and jj jumped out of her jeep. "thanks mel see ya later" jj said as he ran inside the chateau. Melody waved and sped off back to her house. She couldnt stop thinking about the instagram account. When she got home she found a note saying that jacob was staying at a friends house for the day. She walked up the stairs and opened the door to her mothers office. Melody had only been in there a handful of times. Her eyes found a picture of her family. Her finger lightly traced over her face, her brothers face, her mothers face, and her fathers face. She opened a file cabinet and dug through random papers but didnt find anything. She opened another file cabinet but there was a keypad instead. It was a safe. Melody thought of what her mother would do to her if she found out what she was doing, but her curiosity got the best of her. She tried her brothers birthday, didnt work, her own birthday, didnt work, she kept trying random combinations until 3424 worked. She giggled and pulled open the door to the metal box. Inside there were two guns, stacks of cash, and a passport.

Melody wanted cereal but of course her brother ate the last of it. There was this little market a few blocks away so she decided to walk. She grabbed some cash and left her house. She pushed the door open to the market and the person at the register smiled at her and she smiled back. Mel grabbed a box of captin crunch and a bag of candy too. She heard the little bell that chimed everytime someone came in while choosing between gummy worms or starbursts. She decided on the starbursts and walked up to the register. There was a man buying whiskey in front of her so she waited. The man turned around and melody recognized him as ward cameron. Melody gave him a tight liped smile.

"melody quinn, nice to see you" he spoke.

"mr cameron, nice to see you too" she said trying to keep the conversation short.

"by any chance, do you know anyone who could watch my daughter?" he asks.

"sarah?" melody asked confused on why he would need someone to watch a 16 year old girl.

He chuckled, "no no wheezie, my 13 year old" he corrects and melody nods. "my bad, but if you want i could" melody said and he smiled.

"that would be great, ill pay you of course. So do you think you could come by at 4 o'clock?" he asks and melody nods. "yeah".

"okay see you then" he walks out of the store and melody finally puts her stuff on the counter and the lady scans it.

Melody had about 2 hours until 4 o'clock so she reads a book until about 3:40. She got dressed and left her her house and drove to the cameron house. She parked her jeep and scanned the house. "jesus" she muttered to herself and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and rafe cameron opened the door. "hi?" he said and smiled. "your here for wheezie right?".
"yeah" melody spoke and he nodded and opened the door more so she could come in. Ward was putting on a watch and he smiled when he saw melody.

"hi melody, wheezie is watching tv, heres some money" he handed her two one hundred dollar bills.

Him and his wife rose left and melody walked into the living room.

"your melody right?" wheezie asked when she saw her. "yeah, nice to meet you" melody sat next to her.

"criminal minds?" melody asked as she noticed spencer reid reading a case file. "you know it?" wheezie questioned and smiled.

"yeah i watched it a few months ago" melody answered. "whos your favorite?" melody asked and wheezie smiled before answering, "definitely garcia".

The two asked eachother about their favorite seasons, favorite episodes, favorite unsub, and all that cool stuff. A few hours later the door opened and sarah cameron and topper thornton walked in. "oh hi!" sarah greeted and walked over and ruffled wheezies hair. "im sarah and this is my boyfriend topper" sarah introduced and shook melody's hand. "melody" she spoke and topper nodded. "ive seen you around, you live on figure 8?" topper asked and melody nodded. "wheezie what did rose tell you about watching criminal minds?" sarah questioned and wheezie giggled. "she told me that im not allowed to watch it" wheeze mocked. "shes not here is she?" wheezie asked, sarah shrugged and her topper went up to her room. "hey melody?" wheezie spoke after a few minutes. "hmm" she hummed. "can you.. play with my hair?" she asked and melody smiled and nodded. She patted her lap and wheezie laid her head down and mel played with her hair. Wheezie drifted off a few minutes later. It was around 10 pm when ward and rose got home and wheezie was still asleep on melody's lap. "melody?" rose whispered and melody turned her head. "ill wake her" rose came over and patted wheezies arms and her eyes fluttered open. Wheezie tiredly waved and walked up the stairs and into her room. Melody stood up and grabbed her stuff. "thank you" ward said and melody nodded. "anytime". Melody left the cameron house and drove back to her house.

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