➪river phoenix

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today was the day

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today was the day. you put your last box in the moving truck your parents had rented, then turned towards river. he had his eyes on his shoes and he was making shapes in the dirt with the toe of his right shoe.

this was hard for both of you, and neither of you knew how to start the goodbyes.

when you first found out you were moving out of town, you were a bit excited because you were moving to a better place for you and your family, but then sadness hit you as you realized you would be leaving river.

"riv, that was the last box," you said, feeling like a ball of barbed wire was in your throat.

"i know," he said, keeping his eyes on the floor.

it was silent for almost two minutes before you said anything. "river, my parents are going to be done talking to the realtor, and we'll have to leave right after. i have to go soon..." you trailed off, tears finally making their way down your face and blurring your vision.

"yeah, i- i know, i'm just really gonna miss you, is all. i don't want to say goodbye because it's going to make it real. is it selfish for me to say i don't want you to go?" he looked up at you at the end of his words and he almost had a playful smile on his face as tears ran down his cheeks.

you smiled and said, "no. well, actually, it kind of is."

he laughed a little and wiped his eyes. "don't get me wrong, i'm happy you're going because it's better for you, but i'm just not happy we won't be able to see each other every day."

"yeah, i know. i mean, we'll call each other several times a week, but i know it just won't be the same. but it's not like it's goodbye forever, you know? i'll come visit you."

he smiled at you and took a few steps closer as he hugged you. you hugged back, taking it in. river was the best hugger you had ever known, and knowing you'd be losing this really hurt.

"i love you riv, and i'm going to miss you so freaking much," you said, sniffling and holding back from breaking into a sob as you hugged him tighter.

"yeah, i know. i love you too, and i'm gonna miss you a whole lot more." he sniffled too.

"i doubt it." you said, and he quietly laughed at you.

the two of you continued holding each other as you silently cried until your parents came out and over to the car. they acknowledged river and told him they were thankful for him and for how he treated you so kindly, and then said goodbye. then they turned towards you and silently told you it was time to go. they got in the moving truck and it was just you and river one last time.

you looked him in the eyes and smiled, taking in everything the two of you had gone through. he smiled back.

both of you knew that neither of you could handle another hug, so you just took a few steps back before getting opening the door to the moving van. reluctantly, you got in and closed the door behind you. immediately, you rolled the window down and stuck your head out the window to look at river.

the car started moving and you jolted forward a little since you hadn't buckled up, which made river laugh. despite the slight pain the movement had brought, you smiled and laughed with him.

you waved at river, then sat yourself in your seat and buckled up. he watched as the van drove off, sad and simultaneously happy for you.


well today isn't just halloween, it also marks 28 years since the passing of river phoenix. i wanted to have a chapter for him, but felt a little uncomfortable if i were to try making some romantic thing out of it, so i ended up with this.

there's so much to say about river, but to keep it short so i don't go on and on, he was such a passionate, talented, dedicated, and a genuine human being. i admire who he was, and am very sad that he passed so young. it's crazy to think it's been 28 years, and where he might've been if he had lived to this point in time.

rest easy, river. i love and miss you, as do so many others.

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