➪ randy meeks

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you cringed as you watched the characters in the movie get stabbed and die slowly

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you cringed as you watched the characters in the movie get stabbed and die slowly. normally you were fine; you loved scary movies. but, with the recent gruesome killings of your classmates, it felt all too real for you.

randy felt you sit up straighter in discomfort, and he looked at you curiously. he invited you over to watch some horror movies he brought home from work, knowing you loved them and hoping they could distract you.

i guess i didn't think this one out, randy thought.

"uhh, you okay, y/n?" he asked you.

"huh?" you asked, not hearing what it was he said.

"are you alright? you seem... distracted," he said, forgetting about the movie as he shifted his body to face you better. he didn't have to move all that much though, since he had sat himself in a position where he could slyly sneak glances at you while you focused on the movie.

you let out a deep breath, deciding how to answer. "i am, randy. i mean, it's hard to not think about everything happening right now. i mean, that could be me!" you said, pointing at the television as you finished.

randy turned his head to see a boy about your guys' age with a knife in his chest and blood leaking from his lips and nostrils as he struggled to breathe.

"choking on fake blood for a low budget movie?" randy asked, instinctively answering with a joke that he hoped would help.

you sort of laughed, but you were still bothered by your thoughts. "no, randy. i mean gutted and hanging from a tree. dead. what if the killer comes for me next?"

"not possible," he said confidently.

you rolled your eyes and squinted at randy. "and why is that? are you the killer?"

"what?! no, of course i'm not. but i know you're not next because — first of all — you're too pretty to be killed this far in. if you were going to be murdered, you would've been the first victim. i mean, there's a chance that you'd be the shock factor or eye candy victim halfway in used to try to save the movie, but that's not likely," randy explained.

you rolled your eyes another time, sarcastically saying, "thanks a bunch," and ignoring the slight flip in your stomach when randy said you were pretty.

"you're welcome," randy said with a smile before continuing, "and second of all, there are certain rules one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. you, as far as I know, are following those rules!"

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