➪ sodapop curtis

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the phone rang in the curtis house and you immediately locked eyes with ponyboy

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the phone rang in the curtis house and you immediately locked eyes with ponyboy.

every time the two of you were in the same house, no matter whose house, and the phone went off, the two of you would race to see who could get to it first. you two always loved racing each other in any way you could, the track competitions you both participated in for school weren't enough.

this time, you made it first. and made fun of him by moving the phone away from him each time he tried getting it from you. finally, the persistent boy gave up with a huff.

"loser" you mouthed, to which he stuck his tongue out at you in response. although you were closer in age to his older brother, sodapop, you still had the same immaturity level as pony which has kept you guys as close friends for years. but truth be told, sodapop was just as immature.

you waved pony closer so he could listen in as you put the phone to your guys' ears to hear what sounded like... a robot?

"...from tulsa police department. would you like to accept this call?" apparently you missed the beginning of the call when teasing pony, but the two of you looked at each other confused.

"dal?" you called out.

"what, man?" he responded from the couch.

"that's what i thought. just checking!" you said the last part louder for dallas to hear.

"uh, yeah. accept." pony spoke to the phone with confusion to who it could be.

a second or two passed before the two of you heard what sounded like two boys arguing.

"uh, hello?" you asked.

"y/n?" sodapop asked.

"oh shit, plot twist. hey, soda!" you said cheerfully, finding it amusing sodapop had been arrested for god knows what.

it was your job as his best friend to tease him about anything you could.

pony, who had stepped back from the phone, raised his eyebrows when he heard you say his brothers name. "darrys gonna be pissed." he muttered.

"what's cookin good lookin? get arrested for making too many girls faint?" you teased.

"shut up, y/n." you know soda, so you could tell he just rolled his eyes.

"wait, who are you with?" you asked.

"just put darry on the phone, ok? i need to talk to him."

"talk to him? that's not a good idea, i'll go get him. but don't you mean ask him to bail you out? DARRY!!" you yelled for darry and heard him yell something along the lines of him being right there.

"ow, my ears." soda complained.

ignoring soda, you asked "is that two?" after hearing what sounded like two-bit in the background.

"what? uh, yeah. he's making friends with the cops, trying to show them magic tricks or something, i don't know. look, we need to get out of here, two is gonna drive me mad. get darry already, will ya?"

"yeah, yeah. i'll get him. hold on." you pulled the phone away from your ear as darry turned the corner to where you and pony were with the phone.

"what?" he asked, annoyed.

"somebody needs a bail." ponyboy said matter of factly.

"who? dallas is in the living room, who would be calling here for a bail?"

"surprise, surprise. your little brother." you said as you held the phone out for him.

still confused, he turned to pony, then as realization struck he yanked the phone from your hands.

"sodapop patrick curtis you have got to be kidding me right now."

you could faintly hear sodapops voice, "i'm sorry, darry. we didn't mean to, i—"

"yeah, well i don't care if you meant to or not, you still did." he huffed and rubbed his hand over his face slowly. "how much is your bail?"

"well, me and two-bit. he says he'll pay you back, but his mom would be mad if she had to bail him out a second time this week. the officer"

you missed the last part of sodas words because darry was huffing too loud.

"alright, i'll be there in twenty."

"minutes?" you heard soda ask, to which you and pony giggled.

"yes, soda. minutes." darry sighed out. "i'm hanging up now."

"ok" you heard soda say.

"waitwaitwaitwaitwait!!!" you said quickly.

darry paused his actions of hanging up and you took the phone from his hand.

pony and darry both looked at you confused as you put the phone back to your ear.

"soda?" you asked in mock worry, but making sure soda couldn't tell it was fake.

"uh, yeah? y/n?" he sounded confused.

"yeah. well, soda, there's something i gotta tell you. something that took you getting arrested for me to realize."

you heard soda gulp for some reason. "uh, what?" he asked, sounding worried about what it was you had to say.

"you're a fucking idiot!" you said breaking character and hardly finishing it as you broke into a fit of laughter.

soda hung up the phone, which only made you laugh harder. pony quickly joined in, but darry, who was still pissed at soda and two, laughed real quick then grabbed the truck keys and left.

for minutes, you and pony were still laughing, faces red, stomachs aching, throats burning.

what you didn't realize was that soda was at the police station in a holding cell, disappointed he had given his hopes up that his crush for the past several years would confess to loving him as more than friends back.


yeah this kinda sucks and soda is a bit ooc but like at least i published something??
idk, i got this idea and decided to write it down. i'll try to get at least one or two up today as well.

sincerely yours,

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