𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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Endless Bloodshed


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"I think we're all a little crazy sometimes"

- Mattheo Riddle

The screams of the people in the town filled my ears as I strolled down the street.Body's lay everywhere and puddles of blood splashed at my feet as I walked.

The aura from the spells being cast lit up the dark sky as I watched my trusted followers kill.A massacre was what my father asked for and a massacre is what he'll get.I craved the blood shed, the endless feeling rushing inside of me as the people at my feet beg for there lives.I show no mercy, mercy is for the weak.

Covered in blood, trembling at thought of all those they killed my 5 trusted followers stood before me.They each removed there mask taking in the air and the fresh scent of blood that roamed the surroundings.

As we were about to mount our horses I caught a glimpse of 2 survivors.It was a man and a girl, he was dragging her into the Forrest.My fathers orders were to leave no survivors so that's what I intended to do.

We rode into the woods,The wind pushed my long black cloak to fly behind me as my horse galloped towards the sound of shouting.

I stopped my horse and jumped off, I was curious as to why they were in the woods so we kept out of sight and observed them before they were to be slaughtered.

I watched the girl closely.She had long brown almost black hair hanging low on her long black coat.They were smartly dressed and anyone could tell she was scared.

I looked down at my pocket knife sharpening the blade before my attention was snapped back to the scene in front of me.

"Crucio"the man yelled pointing his wand straight at the girl.She was caught off guard and dropped to her knees.Her screams of pain filled the woods causing me to smirk at my enjoyment.

"Your weak Sierra"he shouted at her pushing her down to the ground.

"I'm sorry"she cried out.Her voice was angelic like something I've never heard before.

He lifted the spell and grabbed her jacket pulling her up to her feet.She stumbled a bit before finding her balance, the man pointed his wand at her and she looked up at him terrified.

Her eyes turned dark and I was really invested now.

"I hate you"her voice was different now full of hatred and anger.

"You silly girl-"he was cut off when she punched him in the face causing him to stumble back.

"All my life you've abused me, locked me inside that god forsaken house and your excuse is that I'm weak, putting up with you for 16 years is the opposite of weak"she shouted at him.

She pointed her wand at him and he chuckled.He started to walk towards her causing her to take steps back.

"You couldn't hurt a fly"he laughed maniacally at the girl who stood in front of him.

What happened next took me by surprise.

"Avada kedavra"I watched as the spell hit in him right in the chest making him fall to the ground.

Her mouth was agape as tears pooled down her face.Her wand dropped out of her hand and fell straight onto the ground.

"No- no no no"she spoke running her hand through her hair before dropping onto her knees next to him.

"Dad no please"she cried trying to get him to wake up.

"Please I have no one else Dad, don't leave me"she sobbed onto his chest.

"I'm so sorry"she cried out bringing her knees up to her chest and burying her face in them before breaking down.

I put on my mask and emerged from the trees gesturing for the boys to do the same.We walked out from the trees and to the open space where she sat.

I stopped in front of her and pointed my wand down at her.She lifted her head from her knees and looked up at me.

"Just kill me" left her mouth as her brown eyes met mine.

She wanted to die.

Evan and Malfoy picked her up from the ground and held her in front of me.I saw potential in her, and the willingness to let me kill her struck me.

I removed my mask and looked down at her.She stared into the nothingness as tears pooled down her face.

"What a precious soul"I paused grabbing her chin to make her look at me.She flinched which was to be expected but she looked straight into my eyes.

"Your going to listen to me understand"

She didn't move or say anything, she just kept the eye contact with me.

"I Need words"I shouted as I started to get angry.


"It's yes my lord" I corrected her letting go of her chin and taking a step back.

The boys let her go and her knees gave in.She fell to the floor and I laughed.I kneeled down in front of her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Your dad was right you are weak"she swatted away my hand and gazed at the floor.

I stood back up from the ground keeping my focus on her.

"You belong to me"I watched as she looked up from the ground and up at me.

I pulled her up from the floor and grasped her arms tightly causing her to wince.

"You will do everything I say"I paused leaning close to her ear.

"Because your mine"I whispered in her ear.

"I own you now princess" I spoke pulling her with me to my horse.


Ahh the first chapter is complete...!!
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