𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Bitter sweet smile


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- Mattheo Riddle

I fled the room with the biggest grin on my face.. could I let Evan see it?

Fuck no.

I conjured some god awful thoughts in my head to make the sight of her go away.

But I couldn't help but think of her long dark curly hair resting on her shoulders barley covering the sight of her perky luscious breasts covered by a sheer lace fabric.. i was dying to rip off.

Fucking hell.. get yourself together I thought to myself.

I scoffed and ran a hand down my face.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I greeted Evan with a curt nod which he returned.

We made our way to the parlour grabbing a glass of whiskey on the way by.

Evan broke the silence.

"We have all 3 pieces of the puzzle"

His words felt like I had won some sort of reward.

"Well well, you haven't yet failed to impress me Evan.. probably the reason your the only one I can count on to get shit done"

We sat on the couch and gazed at the 3 objects that lay on the table.

The crystal moon binder.
The evergreen wand
The pendant.

"So what do we do now"he asked.

"Well you see this is the tricky part"

He leaned his elbows on his knees swallowing back the rest of his drink.

"We use a very ancient and powerful spell to combine all 3 of them together.. and instead of using it the way Thomas intended to we do the opposite, we use the device and trap the soul in it.. then destroy it"

"Can you do the spell"

"Yes but it would have extensive side affects, which is the reason we're in a predicament.. the only person that could do the spell with little harm to them is Sierra"

He sighed leaning back against the black leather sofa.

"I'll do it"her sweet voice echoed in my ears.

I turned my head as she walked towards the sofa and took a seat next to me.

Her hair was wet from the shower.She wore a black tracksuit.. the bottoms were hers but the jumper was mine.

I smirked.

"When do I do it"

"Well princess, it's a ritual that takes place.. because we have an object that is connected to the moon we have to do it under a new moon.. so in other words tomorrow night"

"So do I just say the spell?"

"I'll explain it all In depth later but for now, we round up the boys and stay here tonight"

"We will begin preparations at dawn and figure out what we're going to do with your father"

"Kill him"

I raised a brow at her eagerness.

"For sure this time. I want him gone"

As you wish"

I made a mental note of all the things to do before tomorrow night.

1. Kill Thomas .. (for sure)
2.Fuck sierra in every position imaginable since Evan cockblocked us today
3. Prepare the potions and herbs for tomorrow night.
4.make sure my father is occupied for the forseable.

I called for the boys to return to the manor using the mark.. they should arrive in an hour or so.

"I need a drink"she sighed

"Can we have a dinner party, that would be so fun"

I groaned. This woman.


"Oh come on Mattheo.. if we count the odds I could die in the next while so why not enjoy every moment"

"Your not gonna die"

"I could , you can't control these things"

I scoffed.

"I can"


"Sierra I swear to god drop the attitude"

"Or what"she drawled out the what clearly trying to wind me up.

"You know what"

"Right guys please keep this for the bedroom, I can literally see the tension and I don't want to see what comes next please"

Sierra burst out laughing, Evans face was bright red.

I chuckled lowly under my breathe.

"Pleaseeee just dinner and some drinks, it can be just us"

"Fine"I sighed

"yay!! She jumped to her feet and ran towards the stairs.

"I'm going to get ready"

God, I hope she doesn't wear anything too much cause I know for a fact I'll have her before dinner is even served.

I called the house elves and told them to prepare a feast, I made some calls and found myself a bar tender to man the drinks for the night.. If we're having a dinner party it's going to be extravagant.

If it's what my princess wants, she will get the best of the best.

That alone sent uneasy thoughts through my mind.

I would do anything for her.

And what scares me the most is I know this feeling that burns in my chest when I see her isn't just attraction.

Or desire

Or lust

It's something much more.


dinner party ;)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 {𝐌.𝐑}Where stories live. Discover now