𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Delitto Passionale


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"From the blood and pain comes perfection"

- Sierra Dolohov

Guilt.. The feeling of culpability when there soul leaves there body.No remorse when you fail to save them.

Nothing but emptiness.

The overdue feeling of pain that rips through your body as you relive what you've done over and over again until your numb.

Numb from the pain, numb from the regret, numb from the feeling of loneliness when you realise you have no one.

Nothing but a reoccurring nightmare that never ends, It reminds you of the evil inside you that's begging to be released.

I stared into the abyss as the horse galloped down the deep path through the Forrest.I wondered to myself what he saw in me.

I was broken.

From a young age I was abused, mistreated, shut out from the world.My father told me it was for the best and that he was protecting me.

Every curse,slap,threat he sent at me ringed in my ears over and over again reminding me I was nothing but weak.

I had no one,no mother,no siblings,no friends, Just him.

He 'trained' me since the age of 7.The knowledge of spells, history and the ability to fight was all he cared about.

'The overjoying sense of power' is how he described killing people.

I hated him, but I loved him because he's all I had.

The horse halted at a dark Mannor, it was very much like my home.The dark clouds roamed the sky above it threatening rain fall, the stone walls coated dark grey with no moss in sight,the perfectly cut hedges leading up to the tall black entrance doors and the never ending feeling of darkness.

I watched as he jumped off the horse and extended his hand to me,I hesitated at first but soon took his hand jumping off the horse.

I walked behind the 6 of them watching as there long black cloaks coursed in the wind with every step they took.

I was no stranger to fear and pain however something felt off, we approached the entrance walking up the smooth cobblestone stairs reaching the doors.

The doors creeped open welcoming us inside.I remained still, scared of what awaited me inside.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand grasping my wrist and dragging me inside.

It was not what I expected.

Tall black walls circled me with elegant windows on each.Long silk curtain dropped from the defined windows exposing some light to shine against a beautiful chandelier that hung in the centre.

A shiny grand piano sat in the middle of the room, no dust or mess was in sight.Two grand stair cases led to the second floor of the house.

I was dragged up the stairs and along the long hallway.My body hit the floor as I was flung into a room, the door slammed shut and I heard a click coming from the lock.

I groaned and stood up from the floor and twisted the door knob, it was locked.

I turned around to see a bed fitted with black silk sheets, there was a tall cabinet filled with many books which had a black velvet chair next to it.

There was a few wardrobes and a desk with some parchment and a quill sitting on it.A tall window remained on the wall with a view of the garden.

It was beautiful and not what I imagined, it had a large pond and a few trees.The bright green grass lay next to a water fountain with benches placed around it.

I was mesmerised.

I walked over to a door which was placed near the window, I opened it to see a bathroom.

I looked into the mirror and my reflection scared me.

I had several cuts on my face along with smears of mud.Dark bags stained my eyes from the lack of sleep I've received these past few weeks.

I washed my face and hands before returning to the room.I didn't have any clothes here so I couldn't go for a shower just yet.

I sat down on the bed running my hand over the smooth bedsheets before laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling.

I stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours replaying over and over again the moment I killed my father.

I couldn't decide whether I regretted it or not.The thought replayed in my head making me think over and over again.

I sat up from the bed with my legs dangling over the edge.I placed my head on my hands which rested on my knees.

My head pounded, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt even though he deserved it.

The door opened but I couldn't move my head in result of the pain I was in.

"Come with me"I looked up to see a boy with blonde hair standing in the doorway looking over at me.

I stood up from the bed, my head pounded and my vision blurred causing me to fall against the bed.

I clutched onto the poster of the bed trying to erase the thoughts from my mind.

"What's wrong"I heard the boy speak stepping closer to me.

"My head"I clutched my eyes shut trying to stand up properly.

My knees gave in and I hit the floor.My eyes were open but I couldn't make out the people around me,I couldn't move or speak but I heard voices talking near me but it all went quiet as my eyes closed and it was only darkness.


Dracooo AH I hope you enjoyed this !!
I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot!!
This is my second book and I'm so excited to write more!🖤
delitto passionale means 'crime of passion' in Italian!

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