𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Plans don't always go to plan ?

Plans don't always go to plan ?

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"Oh honey will you ever stop screaming when you see your dear old father"

I gripped my wand tight in my pocket hoping he'd give me a reason to use it.

I flinched when a hand landed on the small of my back but settled after smelling his familiar cologne.

"Edward, to what do we owe the pleasure"his voice dropped with sarcasm as he stepped forward removing his comforting hand from my back.

"Ah Riddle, I see she's got you wrapped around her finger"he chuckled under his breathe.

"Enough of the shit, what do you want"

"I want what's mine"

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.It's like his presence was a magnetic field.. like he had a grip on me that I couldn't shake.

"She's not yours, she will never be yours what about that don't you get"

My father drew his wand, however Mattheo's reaction time was so pristine he had replicated the action less than a millisecond later.

"Sierra darling come to me"he called to me and almost instantly I involuntarily took a step forward but I bashed into Mattheos back.

He glanced over me over his shoulder with a concerned look on his face.I muttered a hushed apology, my face full of confusion and took a step back.

"See riddle, she can't help herself, she knows where she belongs"

"She knows jack shit, you've got some spell controlling her.. don't think we're that oblivious Dolohov"

My head was pounding, and suddenly it was warm.

Really fucking warm.

I shrugged off my jacket keeping my wand enclosed in my hand.

I took a few steps forward despite Mattheos attempts to keep me back and faced my father.

"See I told you, she knows where she-"I cut him off my landing a blow to his jaw.

He stumbled back loosing grip of his wand.

"Accio"before he could grasp the wand it landed in Mattheos hand.

"You bitch"

"Crucio"I watched him fall to the floor, the pain consuming him.

His screams tore through the room, after everything he put me through you'd think I would want to watch.. but I couldn't.

I turned my head over my shoulder and closed my eyes.

"We should lock him up now whilst he's weak"

With a curt nod and a command to tell the others to come to the house he hawled my father off the floor and dragged him to the basement.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 {𝐌.𝐑}Where stories live. Discover now