Happy New Year Charlie Brown

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In a few hours it will be a new year, not only for everyone else but for me too.I'll have a new year of me being alive and well, Sweet Sixteen right? Not really.See Sweet Sixteen is just another number for me.I only have a few friends across town and a best friend across country.What will I do this year anyhow?        

Anyhoot, I'm stuck in traffic with my little sister on my way home.While, everyone else is most likely having the time of their lives getting ready to count down with family and friends.We finally were in the garage.As we were walking, in my head i heard 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5- 4- on 3 I walk in, on 2 I turn on the light and on 1,EVERYONE screams SUUUURRRRPPPRRIIIISSSSSEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

A quick flashback comes to mind.Just think I was born on 12:00a.m. 16 years ago.

I look around and my eyes fill up with tears as in someone just poured a glass of water into them.I first see my mom,then my sister,next my friends from another school,my cousins,my other family,and my nanna.Last but not least,I see my best friend walk in!!!

Now I'm elated with joy because the last time I saw her was in the Very beginning of high school.We both run to each other all dramatic, like in the movies.

Pause, wait a minute, rewind .I met her when I was 3 years old.I was on a picnic with my mom and dad and newborn dog.I had one of those toys where you pull on the string to make the ducky go.I was with the wind with my ducky, running like a blade of fire.Then I tripped and my ducky broke,and my knee was scabbed.I was wailing away,when there she was , 4 year old Pandora Gilmore.She could actually speak a litlle where I was speaking alien."ssssshhhhhhhh, It's alright.Here ducky, ''she  gave her ducky to me and licked my knee clean.(My parents and her parents saw all of this by the way) It seems sort of gross for her to lick my dirty knee with bacteria on it, but she was young then.Ever since then we have been linked to each other.When she left I said, ''I'll see you on Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day.Trust me it'll feel as if you never left me."She bowed her head down and said, "Yeah,and we can write letters to each other,video chat,and talk on the phone ,"She said with her throat cracking up.It was a few minutes later then I said, "So....Bye." "Bye"she reluctantly responded.We walked seperate ways,then I stopped.It was like I was seeing her for the last time,like are friendship was over.I turned around and the mystical glass of water poured into my eyes.I said,"Pandora?!"She turned around and her face was pink with the same glass of water pouring into her eyes.We ran to each other as fast as humanly possible.We hugged each other as tight as we could.We looked up to the morning sky and the sun was rising.In my head I heard music playing.She said,"Ssssssshhhhhh, it's alright.I'll always be here to give you my ducky and lick your knee clean because that's what friends are for."

Forward and play.

Now here I am hugging her hoping she'll never leave me again, when I know she has to.

All my presents were on the table and it was present time!!!The first ones I opened were the small gifts.I was gifted with an Iphone 6, a lot of jewelry,and a bank of cash with an actual piggy bank.Then I was opening the big gifts.I was gifted with a puppy,a skateboard, a lifetime supply of chocolates, and a painting with me and my little pony characters.The last and final gift was from my BFF.It was half my size.

I tore it open and was flabbergasted to see a model of a duck made out of rubber gloves.Then I said, "Wow"in an acting tone.Then she said,"That's not all of it." "So......"I said."Turn it around and you'll see a zipper,"she said.I saw it and unzipped it.Inside was the exclusive brand new game creator that's only in VERY RARE places.I jumped and started screaming,"OH MY GOSH!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!"Then   I fainted.

I soon came to, to see everyone looking at me.

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