|2| First Day

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Why did the sun decide to rise extra early this morning!? Ugh!

I looked over to my left where my alarm clock is. 6 o'clock. Should I skip training for some more minutes of sleep? Academy will start at 8. I have two hours to get ready, to check out the kitchen and where the hell everything is, have breakfast, and leave.

I sighed. I won't even have enough time for proper training, forget sleeping. I scrambled out of my bed, grumbling. 

This. . .is gonna take some time getting used to.


"Yo!" I opened my door to see a jonin there. White gravity-defying hair, onyx eyes, one covered with the headband, and a mask to cover his face. Am I dreaming or is this Hatake Kakashi, the copy ninja of Konoha?

My eyebrows shot up and I kind of stared, admiring him. "Wow! How do I have the glory of meeting the Copy Ninja, Kakashi of the Sharingan?"  

His eyebrows shot up as well and then he chuckled. "Well, this Copy Ninja is here to escort you to the academy, Senju-Hime." He patted my head at the end.

"Don't call me that. Please." I frowned. I am no princess. I'm a goddamn amazon warrior if anything!

"As you wish." He said and led me to the academy. He soon pulled out an orange book and started reading it. 

I recognize that book. Of course, I do. It's Jiraiya Ji-Chan's book after all. My eye twitched. He's shamelessly reading that in front of a child.

"Didn't know you were a pervert," I said and looked ahead. 

"Kids your age shouldn't know what this book is about."

"I know what this book is about because I know the author personally, genius." I retorted. My respect for him has gone down a bit. He glanced at me with a brow raised and then turned back to reading his books.

"So I take it that Tsunade-Sama and Jiraiya-Sama are still in contact?" He asked after a minute.

"Assuming won't get you anywhere."

". . .are they?"

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not."

He sighed. We reached the academy and he shunshined away. Sighing I stood in front of the door and knocked. After hearing a 'come in' I stepped inside.

Iruka looked at me and smiled. "Ah yes, Kiyoshi-san come in. I've been expecting you." I stood where he did. He turned to the class. "Class, welcome our new student. Please introduce yourself."

"Hello, My name is Senju Kiyoshi. It's nice to meet you all." I said with my hands across my chest. I looked around the classroom a bit. They all look decent. Expect a few boys who had been blushing. "Hey, Kiyo-Chan!!" I looked over in the direction of the voice and found Naruto waving at me with a grin plastered on his face. I gave him a closed-eyed smile and waved back.

They looked at us confused but I mentally shrugged. "Anyone has any questions?" Iruka asked and people started raising their hands.

"What do you like to do?"

"Train," I answered nonchalantly. 

"Why are you joining so late?"

"I just moved here in Konoha."

Another person raised their hand. This time it was a guy with a spiky ponytail. "This is a drag but, you're of the Senju clan?" He asked, rather tiredly. Those looks, a good question, and laziness. Must be a Nara.

Senju KiyoshiWhere stories live. Discover now