|14| Chunin Exams

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"You believe me right? The Suna genins are suspicious." I asked Satoru, who sat in front of me. I laid on my back, on the couch, and wrote a letter to Baa-chan. 

"It would seem so, I advise you to be on your toes along with your team." He murmured deep in thought. "If you're that skeptical then I should accompany you to ensure your safety should I not?"

I snickered. "Nice try." He huffed. "One can do only that." I chuckled. "I'll be fine~ It's just the chunin exams, not a war, and wouldn't it be cheating to bring you along?" I stood and walked to a drawer to pull out an envelope.

He shook his head. "Not exactly and the shinobi life is full of cheating." 
"True that."

We were once again waiting for Kakashi since he was late. 

"This is so annoying. I wasn't even able to blow dry my hair. . . " Sakura said and eyed me and my perfectly in place hair.

"Yeah... Dattebayo!" Naruto mumbled, stuffing his face in the macha cheesecake I made for him.

"This is heavenly." He sighed, I smiled. Normally,  I would have said ' thank you ' but I had a huge headache. I kept rubbing the middle of my forehead.

It didn't help so I used some medical ninjutsu instead. Sasuke was leaning on the railing of the bridge with his eyes closed.

A puff of smoke caught our attention. We all turned to face our sensei who gave a used excuse.

"I know this is sudden but I recommended you all to the Chunin Exams," Kakashi informed.

He handed the forms and Naruto jumped to hug him. "Kakashi sensei you're the best!"

"Hey, don't slobber on my vest."

I read the forms. We have five days to get ready, Naruto kept cheering 'Chunin Exams'. Sasuke looked cocky. Sakura looked. . .I wasn't sure because she was staring blankly at the paper.

"Kakashi-sensei! I have something to tell you." I kept my voice low. He nodded and dismissed my teammates.

"Yes, hime?" I explained the whole thing and my suspicions to him. He patted my head. "You're just paranoid, don't worry. Leave these things to the elders ok?" I huffed but nodded.


I finished my letter and mailed it away with the messenger hawk to Baa-chan. I got the keys and walked out of the compound. Satoru, following behind. 

"Where are we headed to now?" He questioned. "I have to meet a friend," I replied and proceeded to walk towards a training ground. More specifically, the training ground where I felt his chakra.

"Yo!" I greeted as I entered. He turned to me, the veins on his eyes easing as he deactivated his Byakugan. "Kiyoshi. . .you have a wolf following you?" He blinked at the sight of Satoru, looking confused.

"I'll explain later, what's up Neji?" I made a wooden bench for us to sit on. He was used to me using my wood-style casually so he just took a seat. "My team has been recommended to the Chunin exam." He informed.

"No way, mine too!" I smiled, "I'd love to kick your ass." he scoffed in return. I chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I think we have to put a hold on our training session for a while because of the said reason. I have to work on my Tenketsugan as well. . ."

"Your what now?"

"My dojutsu."

". . .Your what now?"

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