|47| Why was I part of the bet?

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I heaved a heavy yawn. "Tell me why are we going to meet Naruto in the middle of the night again?" I asked Nee-Chan while rubbing my eyes.

"Ah, reasons. . ." she mumbled something incoherent under her breath. I yawned again. I was sleeping so peacefully. . .

I was having a weird dream though. A woman with long red hair(I think it was long because it was kind of in twin buns?) was with a woman with white hair. The former was pregnant as the latter was muttering something about some idiot who better be a good father? Their faces were blurred so I could not see anything other than their outfits and hair. They dressed elegantly so must be someone important.

But ah, it was just a dream.

I groaned a bit when we had to take the stairs to the fourth floor. Couldn't they have gotten a room on floor 1 or 2?!

I lazily leaned against the wall when we finally reached his room after what felt like hours. "Nee-chan, you wouldn't mind carrying me back if I fell asleep, right?"

She had her eyebrows furrowed and did not react. Which kind of confused me because I asked a very serious question which needs to be answered.

She knocked twice on the door and it opened revealing Naruto. Upon seeing me the blonde shouted. "Wah- Kiyo-chan!" 

I was half asleep and snoring at the point. "Hey- hey. . ." I drawled out.

Nee-chan cleared her throat. "I know it's late, I'm sorry, but I must talk to you. Both of you." She grabbed my hand and- What the fuck.

Did she just fucking yeet me on the bed?!

"Ow!" I wined as I sat up straight. She merely gave me a deadpan before turning to the sweatdropping Naruto.

"Before you get into this, there is something you must know about the necklace. . .and about Tsunade-Sama. She wasn't always like that. She used to be so kind and dedicated towards the village but she's changed."

Hold on, last time I checked she seemed pretty into being a shinobi.

. . .But did she? Did she really?

I didn't say anything and waited for her to continue. This just rubbed the sleep off of me. As Nee-chan explained Baa-Chan's tale, I could not help but look down on the ever-so-interesting floor. 

She- she lost so much. . .Her two little brothers and her lover. . .ah, the world really is so cruel.

Naruto's reaction was similar's to mine. He looked down with clenched fists. I got a glimpse of his eyes and- what can I say? I was not surprised. His eyes shone with sheer and pure determination. 

Naruto soon ran away to a training field to train. I looked at Nee-Chan and she stared back at me.

"So~" I started, getting off the bed and walking towards her with my hands clasped behind my back. "Wanna tell me why Naruto shouted, 'I'm not gonna let that grandma take Kiyo-Chan away from me, dattebayo!' ?"

She nervously chuckled. "Hehe, you see. . ."


Hum hm hum hmm hmmm~! I hummed a little lullaby as I jumped through the roof in the moonlight of midnight.

. . .That sounded so poetic for no reason, what the fuck.

"Oh- Baa-Chan!" I called out. She had her head on top of her knees. At my voice, she flinched and furiously rubbed at her eyes before turning to me.

Ah, she was crying.

"Kiyoshi, shouldn't you be asleep?" I sat down next to her. "Well, I should be but I'm not so-" I shrugged, "How about you just be real to me and you know, open up." At the statement, her eyes widened a bit.

"Oh, and my friends told me I'm a great therapist just so you know!"

She looked so confused and lost at that. "How did you. . ."

I smiled mirthlessly. Because hiders know hiders.

"The time I spent in the village wasn't for nothing. I have grown Baa-Chan. I'm not a kid who will always choose to ignore things anymore." Ignorance is not always such bliss after all.

I am going back to the village with her and I am getting answers to all of my questions. No matter what.

Her eyes refused to meet mine. I sighed and then, with the worst timing ever, the three oh-so-famous darl lines appeared on my forehead.

Why does it feels like I'm the adult here?

"Baa-Chan, you can't just escape your past forever. . .you know what? I'm leaving the talking to Naru, he's better at it." I huffed with crossed arms at that. "Just give him a chance, you'll be surprised. He is the number one unpredictable ninja after all."

I heard her sigh. "Fine, but that brat better not waste my time."

I chuckled and leaned against her, resting my head on her shoulder as my eyes started drooping. She smelled of alcohol but there was this sweet homely smell in her as well. "Ne, Baa-Chan?"


"You know I'm never ever gonna leave you right?

". . ."

"I'm not gonna leave you."

". . .I know."

I smiled and nuzzled into her more. I closed my eyes for a moment and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

A/N: This is super short but the next chapter will be longer.

Sorry, I didn't update, I got lost on the path of laziness. 

Also, 2k votes let's go!!

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