|21| Preliminaries

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"Well? That's it? I only got three. Now go do it again."

"What!? Well if you think it's that easy then you go in the water and I'll stay on the shore!" 

"How about I help ya?"

"See Teme!? Be nice like Kiyo-Chan dattebayo!"

"Hn. Whatever."

I rollered my eyes at their bickering and waved hand signs. A stream of water with fish inside came up and dumped into the wooden bucket I made.

"There! C'mon Naruto get out of the water, you don't want your fever back do you?" The boys did not move. After blinking for a few seconds Naruto came out and Sasuke dragged the bucket where Sakura was.

I followed them. Sakura had set up a fireplace. We sat down and Sakura started cooking the fish. As we waited for the fish to cook Sasuke broke the silence.

"We need to - where the hell did you two get that ramen?" Naruto and I stopped slurping. I shrugged and continued slurping. Naruto followed suit. Sakura sweatdropped and Sasuke had a tic mark on his forehead. He always loses his cool when I'm involved.

"Oi! I'm saying something important here!"

"But it's miso." Naruto retorted.

"What I'm saying is more important than miso!"

"Nothing is you say is more important than miso." I retorted back.

Oh, he was steaming now! Sakura giggled, covering her mouth.

"I was talking about the exam! How are we gonna pass if we don't have the other scroll? You didn't ah-" I threw two scrolls on his face. Earth and Heaven. He blinked and kept it in his pouch.

"Better?" I asked while Naruto offered him a ramen cup.

"Hn. We'll leave for the tower after we finish eating." He said and took the offered cup.


"NOT TODAY BITCH!" I yelled as I yeeted Kabuto using wood-style who was about to approach us. My teammates looked at the scene for a second and then continued munching on the fish.

"This is good Kiyo-Chan! Sakura-Chan!" Naruto said taking his third fish. We had split the work in making the fish. "Thank you!" we simultaneously chirped.


Thankfully, we didn't run into any trouble while making our way to our destination. Sasuke's curse mark acted up once but the seal Satoru put on him prevented it.

Speaking of Satoru. Where the hell is he? Back at the compound? With Kakashi-sensei? After Orochimaru was gone, Satoru was not allowed to help us. . . Eh, he'll be fine.

We entered the tower to see it empty. "What's the deal? Nobody's here." Naruto's voice echoed.

I looked around the room, it's like a training ground but inside. My eyes fixed on the giant paper on the wall.

"If qualities of Heaven are your desire, acquire wisdom to take your mind higher. If Earthly qualities are what you lack, train your body and prepare to attack." I read out loud. "If heaven and earth are opened together, the pair less path will become righteous forever. This is something the secret way that guides us from this place today." Sakura finished.

"Something is missing. . .It's about the scrolls I think." Sasuke said.

"I think we're supposed to open the scrolls together." Sakura nodded.

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