|40| Tou-San

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Kumiko sat on the couch and fidgeted with the tips of her hair, waiting for her husband to come home. She had been feeling sick for the past two days and today she finally decided to get it checked out.

What a wonderful hospital visit that went.

At the sound of the doorknob turning, she let her attention drift there. Hideyoshi came inside, feeling pretty tired. Ever since Minto became Hokage and he became his right-hand man, he's been working hard. I seriously need a break. . .I don't want to age like Jiraiya-sensei anytime soon. The thought caused him to shudder before he shook his head. "Tadaima." 

"Okairi. . .ano, Hideyoshi?" Kumiko fidgeted with her hair again and he noticed. It must mean she wants to tell him something big and important.

"What's up? You okay?" He questioned and moved closer to her. Kumiko suddenly smiled brightly, her nervous aura almost completely fading. "I'm more than okay and you better start picking names."

He raised an eyebrow. "What?" Why would I pick- No way. Hideyoshi's eyes widened as he looked at her wife. "You-you're-?"

She nodded. "I'm pregnant Hideyoshi, we're gonna be parents!" Now she was beaming. 

"I'm. . .I'm gonna be a dad?" The soon-to-be dad mumbled in shock before complete and utter joy took over his face. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He went ahead and scooped his wife in his arms and spun her around.

"We're gonna be parents Kumiko!" He laughed as he set her down. Kumiko laughed with him and hugged him. Then after having their little joyful moment the couple sat down to eat their dinner.

"So, what do you think? Will they be a boy or a girl?" Kumiko asked. Hideyoshi hummed. "I don't know. I kinda want a daughter but I don't mind either. I'll talk to Minato about your current position as an ANBU captain." 

"Yeah, yeah I take a break I guess. Oh! I can't wait to tell Kushina!" She was already thinking of going baby products shopping.

Somehow reading his wife's mind, Hideyoshi felt three dark lines appear on his forehead. Oh, boy. She and Kushina are gonna go shopping and make me and Minato hold bags, aren't they?

And they did. Much to both the males' dismay.

Four months later, he heard that Kushina was pregnant as well. The Senju and Akame couple were excited about the news. This meant their kids would be of the same age. 

Minato and Hideyoshi were friends since the start of the academy. Kumiko and Kushina were friends since they both came to Konohagakure. A strong and almost unbreakable friendship the four held. 

"I bet our kids would be the best of friends, dattebane!" A now 5-month pregnant Kushina gushed. "Uh-huh. There's no doubt." A smiling and much calmer Kumiko replied. They both were in the Senju clan compound sitting in the living room. It was a nice breezy afternoon in June.

"Hideyoshi. . ." Minato called out from his seat in the kitchen. "You are all prepared, right? Kumiko's almost due." He knew just how much of a dork his best friend is so he needed to remind him every now and then.

The dork, who was preparing a snack for them, nodded. "I am, do you have everything prepared? Kushina's due in four months and she's a jinchuriki. Meaning the seal would be loosened."

He knew Kushina since she inherited the Kyubi from his grandmother. The two got along well. Except for the times when she would hit him with a pan. . .

"I know. I talked to Sandaime about it and we have everything prepared for the moment."

"Good." He doesn't wanna lose his best friend, now does he.

Kumiko felt a sudden pain in her stomach and she took a sharp gasp. Kushina looked at her in worry. "Kumi?"

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