Saving Bheem

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Through out the years ,vasusen started to grow in a wise ,strong ,kind smart young boy ,he would go to Ganga's shore and meet the old lady,he called Mata.
He many times asked her who she was or where did she lived, but she would just tell Vasusen not to be worried about her because she has everything that she needs and he should not be worried about her.
Vasusen also asked ,if she was not worried about him having contagious disease and she would get it from him?......she told him that she knows that he has no disease and covers himself because of totally different reasons ,she also told him that even if he had any disease,she would not behave any differently with him as one should not discriminate against sick people ,just take precautions not to get sick themselves but don't hurt anyone's feelings.... similarly, She told him was the case with caste system ,people are divided on the basis of the profession not on the basis of their birth and they must not be discriminated or treated lowly because of their caste , everyone must have similar rights. She would feed him,care for him and teach him.she would tell him many things related to politics, society, science,etc......she taught him ,how to write ,read, Vedas and Sashtras ,even gave him some books...but it was all a secret because she did not wanted Vasusen to get in trouble , especially with his parents ,as suta as not allowed knowledge related to these topics.
she taught him all these because Vasusen wanted to learn and she was preparing him for his future.
Vasusen would teach everything, he learned from Ganga Mata whom he called Maiya ,to vrushali. They have found a cave behind the waterfall in the forest ,it was safe,not in the interiors of forest and no one knew about it ,so both of them would go there ,to learn and practice sword fighting and Archery.Vasusen has learnt the basics of both by watching the soldiers practice ,and practicing by himself.
He would go to army practice grounds with adhiratha and observe Bhishma teaching the soldiers,he also started to admire the strength of Bhishma and came to know that his father was Mahamahim bhishma's charioteer.
He also realised that this is the person, he has seen many time on Ganga ghats.
One day at the ghats of Ganga,
Vasusen was waiting for Maiya to appear but,she has not came today, he got worried about her at first but knew in his heart that she was alright and would meet him some other time.
He started to go back home ,when his eyes fall on a man standing just few feets away from him,it was Mahamahim Bhishma.

"Do you come here often ,Putra?"Bhisma asked looking at the young boy clad in black. He had seen this boy at the army practice grounds sneaking a peek and he was curious about who this boy was?

"Pranipat Mahamahim, yes, I do come here sometimes ,I find this place really peaceful." Replied Vasusen .

Bhishma said smiling, "yes this is a peaceful place indeed. I also visit Mata Ganga often."

"Who are you , Putra? and why are you covered like this?" Asked Bhishma.

But before Vasusen could say anything , adhiratha came , started to shout at him,telling him to stand away from Mahamahim and not to disturb him.

"Don't scold the child , adhiratha.he has not done anything wrong." Ordered Bhishma.

"Pardon me , Mahamahim. Actually,this is my son his name is Vasusen and he is very careless and always causes problems." Said adhiratha cunningly joining hands in front of himself.

"Children are supposed to be free and enjoy their childhood and they are allowed to cause mischiefs.
Don't worry son , I will not be offended."said Bhishma looking at vasusen and smiled.
He looked into vasusen's eyes and found kindness with some sadness in them.

Bhisma immediately felt a pang in his heart and remembered Kunti and Pandu's first born , whom he has not been able to find. He has failed as a pitamah to that child.
" His mother must be worrying about him" adhiratha said as he did not wanted to let vasusen talk any longer with Bhisma, scared of his misdeeds coming to light.
"Putra,go home now, it is almost lunch time.don't let her worry ,son." Adhiratha lied looking at karna with anger in his eyes. It went unnoticed by Bhisma.
Vasusen did pranipat to Bhishma and went home.

Later Bhishma adhiratha many questions about Vasusen ,and Adhiratha told him the usual story of Vasusen being his biological son and being born with deformities,so keeps himself covered.
Bhishma pitied the child and told adhiratha to bring him to palace or army practice ground often.
Adhiratha nodded but was thinking of keeping Vasusen away from Bhishma as much as he can,for now.

Few more years passed just like that ,now karna was fourteen years of age,one day it was announced that Pandu has passed away and Kunti together with her five son ,the pandavas would be returning to Hastinapur and all the 106(yuyutsu including) princes and 1 princess would grow up together.
Vasusen eyes involuntarily teared up on hearing the news of Pandu's death and he felt very sad.
When Kunti and Pandavas arrived Vasusen saw them from afar and felt emotional and he looked at them longingly.
He could not understand what he was feeling.
One day Vasusen was bathing horses ,when he heard the sound of something being thrown on water ,he went towards that side and saw two people ,they could not see him though.
He went near the spot and saw a young boy sinking towards the bottom of the river ,Vasusen immediately jumped in and tried to save the boy from drowning.
As soon as he got hold of the boy and was trying to get him out, Nagaraj came there and asked him to leave the boy in his care and go back to the surface.
Vasusen became sceptical and told Nagaraj that he will not leave the boy in danger and if he has to, he would fight with Nagaraj.
Nagaraj started laughing listening to this. He told Vasusen that he was indeed very brave but there is no need to save the boy from Nagaraj as he does not wish to cause any harm instead wants to save his life by sucking out the poison from his body.
Vasusen asked him that ,why should he believe in Nagaraj words,so Nagaraj told him that he could stay and watch ,while he gets the poison out of the boy's body.

Vasusen accepted but first asked questions regarding the matter.
So Nagaraj told him truthfully that this boy was a kuru prince Bheem ,son of Pandu and Kunti ,he has been Poisoned and thrown in the river, according to the
Conspiracy by Gandhar Raj sakuni.
He also told Vasusen that he was Nagaraj Vasuki and admires Vasusen for his bravery and selfless nature ,he told Vasusen that once in his life ,he could ask anything from Vasuki  as a boon.
Vasusen said that he was doing the right thing and does not want anything in return but Nagaraj insisted,so vasusen accepted and Nagaraj proceed with the process of saving prince Bhimsen .
As soon as Bheem started to gain consciousness ,Vasusen took his leave and asked Nagaraj to take care of Bheem and sent him back to his mother and brothers.
Vasuki blessed the boy.

Bheem was half conscious so he was able to see a figure clad in black swimming towards the shore of the river.

After Bheem was fully conscious ,he was told by Nagaraj Vasuki that he was poisoned but is now fine and due to the elixir given to him by Nagaraj himself ,he would also have strength equal to 10,000 elephants.
Bheem was happy .
He asked Vasuki about the retrieving figure ,he saw earlier.
Vasuki told him that was a good person ,who also helped in saving Bheem.
Bheem wanted the know more about this person but Nagaraj could not tell anything else,so Bheem decided to find this person some day and thank him and return the value of his good deed.
Pardon my silly mistakes and smile a lot

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