Happy Birthday

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Bheem went to the kitchen ,not waiting for the breakfast to be served,he was feeling hungry,he always does,and all the delicious smell coming from the kitchen , was not helping either.
He found his mother cooking ,and she was practically glowing ,the way she was moving around, gathering ingredients and doing the work,felt surreal to Bheem, the energy and enthusiasm was in contrast with her old age.
He went near her and said,
"Pranipat mata,what are doing in the kitchen?"

"What do you think I am doing , bheem!" Said Kunti smiling towards him.

"Well...i must say it smells delicious in here, what are you cooking, mata?.....may I have some? " Said bheem.

"No, Bheem not now , wait till your brothers arrive for breakfast......and do one thing for me ,make sure your jyestha karna is also present there, today." Ordered Kunti.

"Is it a special occasion ,mata?"asked Bheem.

"Yes, Putra.....it is Karna's birthday and the first time I shall be able to wish him ,o also want to feed hin with my own hands." Said Kunti.

"But jyestha is never here at the time of breakfast and he never eats with us."replied Bheem.

"That is why I want you and your brothers to make sure he is here today and don't tell him anything,let it be a surprise." Said Kunti and went back to her work.

"As you wish mata, "said Bheem and went to search for his brothers.


Suryanarayan felt much warmer and peaceful to Vasu today as if he was blessing him , found out that Suryanarayan was his celestial father,he could not believe it ,but as long as he could remember sun god has always provided him with comfort and pe...

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Suryanarayan felt much warmer and peaceful to Vasu today as if he was blessing him , found out that Suryanarayan was his celestial father,he could not believe it ,but as long as he could remember sun god has always provided him with comfort and peace, he thought that was because he was a devotee but now he knew that he was also a part of the sun.
He smiled and let himself bask in his father's warmth a little bit more.
When he turned around ,he found six of his brothers standing there...they all were smiling towards him and the look on their eyes was of mischief,it seemed like they were planning something and trying to hide it from him.

"What are you all doing here, princes?" He was still calling him princes, so as to not bring extra attention to the situation.

"We are here to bring you to the palace with us , jyestha." Said Duryodhana.

"I will be coming to the palace in a bit , it was not required for all of you to come and personally escort me,what is this really about?" Asked karna.

"Mata has asked us to bring you with us." Said yudhisthira.

"She wants to talk to you about something, come jyestha we are getting late." Said Nakul.

"About what?"
"You will know when we reach the palace, jyestha.come." said Arjun.

"You all go, I will come after sometime,I need to......" Said karna.

"No....no excuses ,you are coming with us , right now." Said Bheem and put a hand on his shoulder,while others surrounded him from four sides making sure ,there was no chance of him getting away.

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