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It was a huge podium filled with spectators of each and every section of the society.one by one the princes started to arrive with great pomp and show.Some arrived on elephant,some were flying in with the help of eagle,some came showing perfection in using a weapon.

Ashwatthama announced the first fight to happen between Duryodhana and Nakul. Duryodhana won this fight ,next came sahadev ,he too was defeated by Duryodhana. Now it was yudhisthira's turn but he got angry when Duryodhana said wrong things about his mother and started to leave the competition ,seeing opportunity Duryodhana defeated him too ,next came Bheem but he was disqualified because he drew blood out of duryodhana ,which was against rules.
Finally it was Duryodhana turn to take on Arjun.
Arjun entered with   concrete elephant head of the entry gate falling on him,but he was safe and defeated Duryodhana by freezing him in ice .
The competition came to an end with Dronacharya announcing Arjun as the greatest archer in the world while Duryodhana stood frozen in the corner.
All of this was witnessed by Vasusen, who had perched himself on the top of a tower but remained hidden from the eyes of the crowd.
A day before Kalapradarshan
Vasusen had returned to Hastinapur and went to meet Vrushali first, but came to know that she was not in town,gone on travels with her father.
After that he went to his and Vrushali's hideout in the forest ,the cave where they used to practice,he did not wanted to visit his parents just yet.

After that he went to his and Vrushali's hideout in the forest ,the cave where they used to practice,he did not wanted to visit his parents just yet

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He was pleasantly surprised to see that the cave ,whose entrance was behind the waterfall had been cleaned and even decorated a little, he knew apart from him only Vrushali knew about this place,so he smiled knowing that his best friend is the one...

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He was pleasantly surprised to see that the cave ,whose entrance was behind the waterfall had been cleaned and even decorated a little, he knew apart from him only Vrushali knew about this place,so he smiled knowing that his best friend is the one ,who did all this.

It was not a single cave but an intricate network of caves,inside was a small library made of the books collected by Vasu and Vrushali,and in another corner weapons were placed for them to practice, some medicine were also arranged on the shelves.
Vasusen took out his Aditya disguise and kept it on the shelf to use in future,he could not carry it around without revealing his identity and what he was going to do next ,let's just say many eyes would be on him from now on.
He took some rest and planned for the next day.

Day of kalapradarshan
Vasusen saw the competition and came to the conclusion that all the kuru princes were of above average calibre in handling weapons be it yudhisthira, Nakula, Sahadev,yuyutsu,vikarn,
Dushshashan, bheem or Duryodhana.
He admitted to himself that Duryodhana used the right strategy at the right time, mentally manipulating the enemy to gain upper hand is also a great strategy used in war and yudhisthira being so much effected by Duryodhana's comment was a weakness on his part.
But this was not a war,it was supposed to be a friendly competition among brothers. Clearly that was not the case among kuru princes,they considered each other more like enemies and would not shy away from fighting and hurting each other.
then ,there was Gandhar Raj sakuni to take into consideration, according to Pind and Lind ,sakuni was planning something to harm Hastinapur royals and by the looks of it ,he was manipulating Duryodhana to do his evil deeds,how much Duryodhana knew about it or was he willingly helping sakuni ,was the question.

then ,there was Gandhar Raj sakuni to take into consideration, according to Pind and Lind ,sakuni was planning something to harm Hastinapur royals and by the looks of it ,he was manipulating Duryodhana to do his evil deeds,how much Duryodhana knew...

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To know answers to all these questions and discover more about the conspiracy that would destroy aryavrata,Vasusen decided that he need to enter the palace and stay near Duryodhana and sakuni, but how?
Then, he got an idea.

He went Adhiratha and Radha' s home ,he had long ago stopped considering this his home, he had a feeling that this is not the place and people ,where he belonged.

He met Radha and a grown up shon, they both were not at all happy seeing him,which he expected, they were acting indifferently towards him,like he was not even there ,not even asking him for water or food.
He sat outside in angan on a cot and waited for adhiratha to come back home ,so that he could move his plan into action.
Adhiratha returned and frowned as soon as he saw Vasusen ,he asked Vasu why he had returned and did he brought any money?
Vasu replied that he had no money but could gain some by getting a job , and wanted adhiratha to take him to the palace and request Bhishma to give him any job at the palace,he explained that in this way,he could earn more money for his family.
Ofcourse, the three liked this idea very much , listening to this adhiratha and Radha's eyes gleamed with greed and they also asked him to help shon at his chariot repairing shop,which was not doing well,after all as shon's brother it was his duty.
( In reality shon was too incompetent and lazy to gain any customers, but Vasu did not need to know that , Adhiratha thought).

Vasu agreed but told adhiratha that he would work at the shop in night , repairing the chariots , which came in during the day .they agreed.
Next day , adhiratha took Vasu with him to the palace and requested  Mahamahim to give him a job, Bhisma immediately recognised Vasu as the child ,he saw at Ganga ghats all those years ago,and decided to give him a job of  working in the stables.
Vasu did pranipat towards Bhisma and politely asked to be placed in the service of  kaurava princes.
Bhisma got confused and suspicious listening to this and asked Vasu ,if their was any specific reason he asked to be put under kauravas.

Vasu was doing a good job of hiding his true potential from everyone,all thought that he was just a suta ,who was living as a servent in ved vyas's ashram untill now.
He simply replied to Bhishma that since kauravas are hundred in number ,there was a high possibility that they needed a servent and he was willing to serve them.( In reality he needed to be near kauravas to know more about Sakuni's plan)
Bhisma accepted his explanation and put him as a day servent under dushshashan.
He would need to work from morning to evening after which he could go home.
Vasusen accepted and went to search for dushashan to start his job.
Let me know what you guys think?
Byeeeeee ❤️😊

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