Lakshagraha Conspiracy

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After the departure of Pandavas and Kunti ,Vasu was busy doing his chores ,when suddenly dushashan asked him to take have the rest of the day  off ,as he would not be needing him.
He was looking weirdly happy and conspicuous.
So, Vasu decided to check.
He followed dushashan in secret ,and reached to  abandoned ruins ,he also saw sakuni there.
He was standing infront of a model of a palace.
They both started to talk ,while Vasu listened hiding.

They both started to talk ,while Vasu listened hiding

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What he heard left him angry and worried, angry towards dushashan and sakuni and worried for the his friends, he needed to keep them safe but also take the next step wisely

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What he heard left him angry and worried, angry towards dushashan and sakuni and worried for the his friends, he needed to keep them safe but also take the next step wisely.
He came to know about their conspiracy to burn pandavas alive inside Lakshagraha palace,made of lacquer, in varnavrat and the architect Purochan and his family were also working according Sakuni's plan.

He immediately wrote a letter and signing it as Aditya sent it to Vidur ,he knew that Mahamantri would be able to warn the Pandavas on time.
He also decided to head to vrnavrat ,he knew since Arjun was not at varnavrat right now,the attack would not happen tonight ,so he will go to vrnavrat tomorrow and help his friends.
Next, day in the morning Pandavas received vidur's tactfully written message and  warned the Pandavas about the imminent danger in Mleccha language in the form of a poem.
Yudhisthira was able to make out the meaning of the poem upto a certain extent and told his brothers to keep   an eye out for any imminent danger...they were looking for physical danger but had no idea that ,it would come in the form of delicious food.
In the evening, a huge feast was organised for the pandavas as Arjun has also returned from Dwarka, by Purochan and his family, and a kheer was also served which had sleeping medicine on,that the Pandavas would be unconscious ,while Purochan burns them alive and ran away together with his family as per the plan.
Soon everyone in the family started to fall into deep slumber/ unconscious.

It was Bheem ,who became conscious soon, because of his boon that he received in his childhood, no poison or in this case sleep medicine could harm him very much, he metabolised the medicine   really quickly .
When he came by,he realised that all his family members were unconscious and the palace was on fire, though the fire had not spread very much for now,but it was growing very fast.
He tried to wake up his brothers and mother but was not successful ,he wanted to get them outside but even with his immense strength he would not be able to carry all of them outside at once ,he started to Panic ,when someone came swooping in ,a bright and Dominating, Bheem thought it was an enemy and was about to attack him but when he looked at that man and his aura full of strength but pure ,with the Surya Tilak on his forehead ,he knew this was their saviour,Aditya ,who has came to help him and his family.

"Let us get them out of her before the fire spreads even more. You carry princes sahadeva,Nakul and mata Kunti,I will take prince Arjun and yuvraj yudhisthira."said Aditya to Bheem.
Bheem only nodded and put
Nakul on his one shoulder ,Mata Kunti and Nakul on the other.
Aditya also took Arjun and yudhisthira and they moved towards the gate ,after some time and with precautions ,they were able to bring everyone outside safely.
When outside bheem saw Purochan and his family,that included Purochan,his ,wife ,his four son and a servent unconscious and tied to a tree.
It must be Aditya who defeated them, thought Bheem.
He wanted to thank Aditya but when he turned around he found him gone.
Bheem sighed and decided to repay him one day.
After that ,he woke his family up ,while the palace was still burning in the background.
As soon as ,they became concious ,they asked what happened and how all of them are safe?.....Bheem told them everything,the y all were thankful of Aditya.
They went to Purochan and interrogated him,but he did not told them anything ,so ,they threatened him that they would take him to Hastinapur and he will be punished in the royal court , listening to this Purochan and his whole family commited suicide by crushing and swallowing some pill that they had hide in their mouths earlier.
All of them died , without giving any Information, but the one thing that Pandavas knew now was that it was kauravas ,who had conspired to get them killed.
It makes them aware of the kauravas antagonism for them. 

All of them were very angry at this point and wanted to march towards Hastinapur to fight against kauravas and demand justice for themselves

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All of them were very angry at this point and wanted to march towards Hastinapur to fight against kauravas and demand justice for themselves.
But Kunti became hysterical and told them that they would not be going back to Hastinapur , instead she wanted them to leave everything behind and go will the her to live in seclusion,she told them that they do not need any wealth nor position and she will not let them go back to the palace.
Yudhisthira tried to reason with her by saying that it was his duty and right to let everyone know about this evil deeds of kauravas.
Bit, she counteracted him by saying that they had no proof and after Purochan' s death ,who could have been their witness ,there is no way for them to proof that kauravas planned all this.

Bheem was very angry ,so was Arjun and Nakul ,sahadev also wanted revenge ,they all argued that it was Yudhisthira right to become king and they would fight to death for him to get that was rightfully his.
Yudhisthira only wanted justice.

Kunti started crying and said,"I have already lost one child ,I will not loose any more

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Kunti started crying and said,
"I have already lost one child ,I will not loose any more .......I order you to do as I say."


"Lost a child."

"What are you talking about ,Mata?" Asked yudhisthira in anguish.
To be continued.........🍀

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