Chapter 4

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The first part of this chapter will be a big time skip because I am too lazy and I want to introduce Ayaka to the story. So...enjoy~


It had been a long walk, but you finally made it to Inazuma City. You and Thoma stood before the tea house he told you about. Honestly, you were nervous. What would Ayaka be like? Was she worth being friends with? You'll find out soon. Thoma interrupts your thoughts, "Hey, you okay?"

"I'm fine." you lied. "What about you? Are you sure YOU are okay?"

He chuckles, "Of course."

"We're both lying, aren't we?"

"Yeah." he replies. You both laugh and eventually he grabs your hand and brings you inside the tea house. "Milady? I brought the person we discussed." You were about to question that when a beautiful woman stepped out from behind a wall. She was absolutely GORGEOUS. (Sorry I love Ayaka)

"Hello Y/n. I am Kamisato Ayaka. You can just call me Ayaka." She folds her fan.

"Oh hello. Thoma told me about you on the way here. You're really pretty by the way."

Her face dusts with pink, "Why thank you."

"Who's this?" someone says. You look at them. You see a man with the same hair color as Ayaka. They looked like they were related.

"Ah, brother. This is Y/n. She is going to be staying with us."

"My apologies. I am Kamisato Ayato, Ayaka's older brother." he bows.

"You don't need to point out that you're older." Ayaka argues.

"Lord Ayato, someone wants to see you." a man walks in and says.

"Oh god. Is it him again?" he looked frustrated.

"Yes." the man says.

Ayato sighs, "Alright. Tell him to come inside." The man nods and goes to get the guest. You were awfully confused. Who was it and why did it make Ayato so frustrated? You were deep in thought until some loud mouth entered the room.

"HEY AYATO, THOMA." he yelled. (Rip Y/n's ears)

"Please don't yell. What do you want this time?" Ayato asks.

"Oh I just wanted to say hi." You could tell Ayato was about to snap, but kept his cool.

"Well hello, Arataki. We were about to sit down and have a meal. Would you like to join us?" She knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to see how long it would take her brother to absolutely lose his mind.

"Oh, I can't pass up that offer. Where are we eating?" he says, excited like a little kid.

"In here." Ayaka leads the way. Everyone follows her. They all sit down and people come with the food instantly. You were stuck between Ayato and the loud dude, you forgot his name. Thoma was sitting across from you. Ayaka was the only one that could tell you looked uncomfortable. She mouthed a "don't worry" to you.

"I believe we haven't met before. I'm Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki Gang!" He grins, his fangs flashing against the light.

"I'm Y/n.." you say nervously.

"Ayato, why didn't you tell me you had such a cutie here this whole time!?" he starts rambling on about something. Meanwhile, you were a blushing mess, staying silent and staring at your lap. His arms goes around your shoulders, "Aren't I the most handsome guy here?" You stay quiet, refusing to answer.

"Leave her alone, Itto. This is her second day here." Ayato retorts.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you gonna finish that?" he points to your food. You shake your head. He helps himself and digs in. You noticed Thoma staring at you. He looked absolutely pissed. Was it because Itto hardly had any manners? You didn't really know.

Ayato tells you, "If he gives you any trouble just tell me. I'll deal with him." You nod and blush a little. Everyone was being so nice to you. It made you feel like you actually had meaning. (Depression 😎) "Also, since we both have a hydro vision, we could train together if you would like to. I know a good spot."

"That would be nice." you reply with a smile. Again, Thoma looked pissed, but smiled back. You wondered what was wrong, but decided not to ask. Eventually, everyone finished their food. The plates and silverware were discarded from the table.

"Thank you for the meal, Ayaka." you say.

"Oh, of course. It's the least I could do. By the way, would you like to stay at the Kamisato Estate with us?"

"An estate?? N-no that's too kind of you. I can find somewhere el-" you were interrupted by Ayato.

"Yes, that would be great. After all, me and her discussed that we would be training later." he replies.

"Then it's settled." Ayaka says. You all get up and you went to grab your belongings but Ayato took them.

"I've got them. No need to worry." he says. You smile and you all walk out, getting ready to go to the Kamisato Estate.

"Are you coming with us?" you ask Arataki.

"Are you gonna miss me that much~?" he replies.

"You know what, never mind." you say. He ends up following you guys anyway. Thoma stood along side you ask you all walked. It was a long, peaceful walk...

Itto, Ayato, Thoma x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now