Chapter 11

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"What's with that look on your face?" a voice interrupts your thoughts.

"Oh- what?" you question. You look up to see Thoma. You internally freak out but manage to stay calm. "I'm fine-"

"Are you sure? You looked really deep in thought. Did something happen?" he asks. What's with the change in attitude? Yesterday he looked like he could murder everyone here and now he's being such a sweetheart. Maybe Ayato has something to do with this. You'll have to ask him later.

"No. I'm fine, really-" you start.

"HEY GUYS!" the loudmouth shouts. This caused the both of you to jump.

"Oh, hey Itto!" Thoma says. "Is something wrong?"

"Wooaahhhh why is the psychopath being nice-? Anyway, yeah I came here to show you guys this AWESOME Onikabuto I found! Look here!" Itto shows the both of you.

"Wow. What an impressive find, Itto. Maybe you can ask Milo-" Thoma says but is interrupted.

"Well, I think it's just lovely. And my apologies for crashing the party, but I came here to say I have some errands to run. Ayaka is also a bit busy so please do not disturb her." Ayato says, a small smile gracing his face. It was rather cute... he noticed your stare and that smile became a smirk, washing the smile off your face.

"Y-yes Milord!" Thoma says and runs off somewhere. Probably to do housework. You kind of feel bad for him now considering he does everything around here. He cooks, he cleans, he even does the simplest of greeting people at the door.

"Uhhh is it just me or is Thoma TOTALLY acting like an entirely different person?" Itto asks, a bit curious.

"It's nothing. I'll see you guys later. And, behave, won't you?" he looks directly at you. You aren't sure if you're supposed to be flustered or laugh it off.

"Why are you targeting me??" you remark. He only smiles and vanishes.

"Huh. Ayato seems to be in a good mood and," he begins to whisper, "he's scary when he's in a bad mood." Itto tells you. "I would know from experience."

"Oh- that must have been great." you reply.

"Yeah, haha! Wanna see my Onikabuto collection?" he asks, a wide smile spreading across his face. You nod and his smile gets even bigger somehow. He grabs your hand, gently, and shows you to his "secret lair," in other terms, his room. (📸🤨) "So these are my Onikabuto. This one here's a real champ. His name is..." he continues on. You didn't mean to intentionally zone out but Itto didn't seem to notice right away. A hand waves in front of your face and you snap out of your small trance. "You alright? Am I boring you...?" he asks you.

"No no, I just didn't sleep well. I got a lot on my mind too. This week has been crazy..." you mumble.

"Hey. Look at me." Itto says. You look up at him. A gentle smile rests upon his face. "If I did something wrong, you can tell me. I take insults from dozens of people daily. This won't be anything compared to that. Trust me." he tells you, softly.

You take a moment to think, then begin to speak, "I guess I'm just stressed from you all sort of...hogging me? It's not bad that you wanna hang out with me but it's like you, Thoma, and Ayato all have some sort of thing for me. That's just what it feels like." you ramble. You look back at him only to be met with a red face and wide eyes. "O-oh- too much?"

"No no no! I-I just...I didn't realize I was bothering you so much. I guess it's just nice to hear your troubles so I know what I did wrong and what I need to fix." he says, the blush on his face slowly calming down.

You were about to speak but a voice speaks up from the doorway, "Am I interrupting something?" It was Lady Ayaka.

"Oh, he was showing me his Onikabuto." you tell her.

"I see. I was looking everywhere for you, Y/n. If you are busy, I can meet you outside." Ayaka says.

"Oh, you can tell me now if you'd like." you look at Itto then back at her. Itto makes eye contact with you then looks at Ayaka too.

"If you insist. Ayato told me he had a gift for you on your bed." she states.

"Oh, alright. Stay here, Itto." you tell him. You make your way out the door and head to your room. When you enter, you see a beautiful Kimono placed on your bed. "Wow..." You grab it softly. There's a note next to it. After setting the Kimono down, you pick up the piece of paper and read it to yourself.

"A kimono is said to be a sign of good fortune. I found this beauty and had an assistant snag it for me. Hopefully, it is to your liking. If not, I can easily have it returned.


"Pardon my intrusion- but Milord asked me to run a bath for you if that's okay with you." It was Thoma.

"Oh, sure." Could he be lying? Or did Ayato actually have him do this?

"I already prepared it the bathroom is ready for you. If you need anything, just say my name." Thoma says.

"Ah, thank you." You walk out of the room and back to Itto's room. "Hey, Itto. I'm gonna take a bath. Sorry for making you wait." you tell him.

"Hah! Why are you apologizing?" Itto asks.

"Did you not just hear me..." you mumble.

"Hm? What was that?" He raises a hand to his ear, as if trying to listen for anything you might say. You quickly flee into the bathroom and get ready for your bath, making sure to lock the door behind you. The water was still hot, so you took your time getting in so you wouldn't get burned. After finally sitting down, a loud knock echoes through the room. "You didn't tell me what you said!" You can tell he was frowning.

"I said 'did you not just hear me?' I was referring to when I apologized for making you wait for me to come back." you explain.

It was a bit quiet until he finally spoke up, "Oh. Well you don't need to apologize. I could have waited longer, y'know!? Aaaaaanyways, I'm gonna go do something else in the meantime."

"Okay..." It grew quiet again. You took a deep breath and relaxed. I'll probably be in here for a while... you thought.

Itto, Ayato, Thoma x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now