The takeover of Italica

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Myui pov
The city is under constant attack but with them finally not attacking us for once we all have been preparing for when they come to attack us again.

50th German Tank battalion commander pov
My tanks are moving to the city Italica to either take it over or Free it from the Saderan scum... My forces arrived and we then asked for entry with the people letting us in worried. I then got out followed by my crew and went to talk to the leader so that we can free or burn this city to the ground.... We then entered their throne room as they called it and saw... A KID?! They then explained the situation and we apologized for their fathers death and then offered a peace treaty which the princess of the Saderan Empire denied but the mayor or queen of Italica looked at which had the following terms on it.
- Slavery is banned
- Declares independence from the Saderan Empire
- military access is given to the German Empire and their allies
- All knowledge about everything in this world is to be given to German scientists for them to study

Myui pov
I singed it explaining that this is easily done as slavery is next to none here anyways which made them smile. ( Smile was auto corrected to missle )

Pina pov
I was worried that the treaty would involve slavery in some form but it didn't but forced a vassal of the Saderan Empire to abolish it?! This made me curious so I asked if they could show me their strength bit they explained that they have a war to win when their troops reported that they were.... UNDER ATTACK?!

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