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Twelve... Twelve fucking spitballs and the school day isn't over yet. Nathaniel was forced to pick out twelve- still wet- spitballs from his hair and you know who he blames? The demon-spawn himself, the one who makes his school life hell, the reason he would rather lick the bathroom floor than even talk to him. It was none other than-

"Damn, Marc really did a number on you with those spitballs, huh?"

Nathaniel threw away the wet napkin he was using to clean his hands of any traces of saliva and nodded. "I swear to God, one of these days I'll snap," he huffed. "What is his problem with me?"

Alix merely shrugged as she pulled her skates out of her locker. "Bud, that's a question only Marc can answer."

It's been this way since they were eight, maybe even younger. For years, Marc's been tormenting Nathaniel non-stop and the poor redhead had no clue why when he's never done anything to him. Sand poured on his head, tripping him in the hallway, pouring ice down the back of his shirt, calling him 'Tomato Head,' a name that's honestly not even THAT creative. This is barely even a quarter of what Marc's done to him; Nathaniel and Alix have actually made a list- Single spaced, three pages long.

"And relax. You'll be out of here in two years when we graduate and you'll never see him again."

Hearing that, Nathaniel smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I can wait two years, I guess, and- What are you doing?" He asked when Alix grabbed his head and pulled him down to her height. "Alix?"

"Sorry man. It's gonna be a long two years." Clearing up the confusion, she pulls a pair of scissors out of her backpack and snips something out of Nathaniel's hair, which is revealed to be none other than chewed gum.

Appalled, Nathaniel felt the back of his head and groaned when he felt a small sticky clump of hair. He could easily comb it out, but that didn't mean he should have to. "Okay, now he's just being gross!"

"Who is?"

The two of them turned to the door and saw Marinette walking in. Frowning, Nathaniel approached her. "Your cousin put gum in my hair!" He points to the aforementioned gum Alix is throwing away. "Why is he doing this to me?!"

"It's not just you Nath," she giggled. "When we were kids, he pushed Kim in the mud for taking the last pudding cup and poured juice on Nino for bringing back one of his pencils with bite marks."

Nathaniel sputtered for a few seconds before finding the words. "B-but he had a reason to! With me, it's for no reason at all, every day, every time I see him, Marinette! What is Marc's deal with me?"

He notices the look of hesitation on her face. As an artist, he picked up the skill of analyzing different facial expressions. She knows something, and it looks like she might just blurt it out if he presses the right buttons.

"Mari." The girl in pigtails glances off to the side, making her look more guilty. Nathaniel leans in a little close on her with a look of suspicion. "Do you know why Marc messes with me?"

"Wh-what?!" Marinette started rambling, "No, I have no idea why honestly, and we're super close- Cousins and all- he's just always been like that, let's his fists do the talking- Not that he's ever gotten in a fistfight! As for why he messes with you, again, no idea!" She nervously giggled on her way to her locker and clumsily gathered her things. "Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

On her way to the door, Marinette bumped into the frame before straightening herself back up and heading out of the locker room, leaving the two best friends to look on in confusion.

"... She definitely knows something," Alix finally said before leaving with Nathaniel.

M is for the mouth I'd like to kiss

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now