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"Alright students," Mme. Bustier's voice rang out as her students and Mme. Mendeleive's students got settled into their seats on the bus. "Did everyone grab everything they need from home? We don't leave for another ten minutes, so there should be some time."

"Nine minutes now," the purple-haired teacher smirked. She looks up and frowns. "Kim, that surfboard needs to go in the storage."

Everyone looked towards the middle of the row where Kim sat in one seat with his red surfboard in the other. "I need to have full body contact with my board in order to truly understand it when I hit those waves!"

Mylene whispered to Ivan, "Is it strange I understood that?" He shrugged.

While Mme. Mendelieve and Kim both gave their own arguments as to why Kim should or should not have his surfboard in the seat next to him, Marc and Nathaniel tried to tune them out and instead focus on the books they had in their laps.

Marc turned his head to get a look at his boyfriend's latest work- A quick sketch of the beach they'd be going to, either during sunset or sunrise since the sun was peaking over the horizon. "That looks beautiful, Nath."

"Thanks." He took Marc's hand and brought it up to his lips. "I can't wait to share a hotel room with you, Rainbow."

Marc was blushing so much that it almost matched Nathaniel's hair.

When they saw the list with their room assignments last week, the two could barely contain their excitement. Mme. Bustier and Mendeleive were a little hesitant to let any couples of the same sex like Juleka and Rose, Marc and Nathaniel, Aurore and Mireille, and Kim and Max sleep together but were reassured by them and the other students that they're responsible enough to stay in the same room.

"That's where I'll probably be spending most of the trip," Nathaniel chuckled and went to grab his bag from under his seat. "The sun and I don't exactly mix." He fishes through his bag for a few seconds until he pulls out his phone then opens up his photos. "Check this out. I was ten and we were having a family reunion in the summer."

Marc tried so hard to refrain from laughing when he saw the picture of his boyfriend, five years younger with longer hair and his skin blending in with his red hair. He wheezed, "Oh my God, Nath."

"You showing embarrassing pictures?" The boyfriends snapped their heads up to see Alix standing by their seats with a shit-eating grin. "Sweet! Marc, is he showing you the one where his bangs covered both of his eyes?"

Nathaniel rolled his eyes while Marc tried to grab his phone, probably to scroll through all of his photos until he finds the one Alix is talking about. "No, it's the one where I had that sunburn."

"Ooh," she said in realization before snickering. "I fucking loved that one. Speaking of which, you've got your sunscreen, right? I don't want you burning to a crisp no matter how funny that would look."

"Got it in my suitcase," he answered. "So, how do you think rooming with Denise and Lacey is gonna go?"

"Well..." Alix glanced over to where the two are currently arm-wrestling over the armrest. It's honestly hard to tell who was winning or not since both were equal in strength. "... Pretty badass. When we get there, I'm gonna seek if Denise can deadlift us. I swear, they could lift this bus if they tried."

"Heard that, and thank you!" Denise yelled.

Feeling the bus moving a bit, Alix made her way back to her seat. "Wake me up when we're there!"

After getting settled in their hotel rooms, the students got dressed in their swimwear and headed to the beach with Mme. Bustier and Mendeleive. Everything about it was beautiful. The sand was almost white, there were no traces of litter, so many spaces to set up their towels, and the water was so clear, you could see the bottom.

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now