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It was a particularly cold day in Paris. The wind was blowing hard, ridding every tree in the city of their leaves and sweeping them away. Worried parents bundled up their children in two to three layers of clothes so they wouldn't catch colds and filled their pockets with heat packs- You know the ones, your parents made you bring them when your class went on a field trip in the winter. Homes, restaurants, and schools turned cranked the heat up to the highest setting with no concern of a power outage, they just needed to stay warm.

There was no way this weather could possibly get any worse... Unless you were walking to school, winding your own business, and not having a care in the world as you daydreamed about an upcoming date with your wonderful boyfriend/comic book collaborator when out of nowhere, a car speeds by and drives through a puddle, getting you drenched in the freezing cold water.

"Jerk!" Marc yelled after the car as he ran to his boyfriend. "Oh my gosh, Nath! Are you alright?"

He could barely get a word out as his teeth were chattering. "N-n-n-no. G-ge-g-get m-me in-ins-in-"

"Come on." The writer wrapped his arms around the redhead in an effort to share body heat and walked him towards the school.

The DuPont students weren't doing too well in this unbearable weather, but that's to be expected when you go to a school that has no roof!

Students and teachers were freezing when they went into the courtyard, some even begged to have all of their classes in one classroom so they wouldn't have to move around so much in the cold, but the teachers reminded them, the cold weather will only last a few days, and will soon be followed by a moderate sixty-five degrees. At least the rooms were warm enough, so students and teachers didn't need to bundle up so much and instead just wore sweaters or hoodies when in their classrooms.

"Hey, is he alright?" Aurore asked Marc as he set Nathaniel down on one of the locker room benches. Noticing water dripping from his coat and onto the floor, Aurore was quick to react. "Shit!" She took some of her heat packs out of her jacket pockets and slipped two into Nathaniel's gloves. "What happened?"

"Some jerk drove through a puddle and splashed him," Marc said as he slipped the wet purple coat off of Nathaniel, with so struggle as he kept shivering. "His sweater's a little dry, but I don't think it'll be enough for today."

"I-I-I'll be-"

"No, you won't," the noirette interrupted before he could get the last word out, knowing exactly what his boyfriend was going to say before pulling him in for a hug and hoping it'll warm him up some more. Nathaniel's not exactly built for cold temperatures. As a kid, he always stayed inside during snow days, and on the days he actually went outside, it was hell. He could barely move without shivering, and his skin turned stark white almost like the snow itself.

Aurore looked at the two with concern. "Is he asleep?"

Confused, Marc looked down at his boyfriend and saw that he was in fact, asleep in his arms, still shivering though. Another thing that concerned quite a few people was when Nathaniel would fall asleep at random times during the cold weather. It's normal for a lot of people which is why some keep their bedrooms cool at night to make it possible for them to sleep, but the redhead gets knocked out, and it's difficult to wake him back up.

"Nath, wake up," he whispered. "Come on. You have classes in a few minutes."

"'Wanna stay 'ere," he murmured.

They couldn't just stay in the locker room for the whole day, but Nathaniel needed some way to stay warm since his coat was out of the question now. Getting an idea, Marc turned to Aurore and asked, "Can you get my spare hoodie out of my locker?"

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now