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"NATHANIEL! YOU KNOW I'LL FIND YOU!" 'Ugh. Why does everything I say come out threatening?'

Marc quickly caught himself as he was about to trip. "Keep that tail in check, creep!"

Mylene, most of her skin covered in pink splotches and slime growled at him, baring her sharpened teeth. After a moment, she cleared her throat and said in a raspy voice, "S-sorry, Marc."

He blinked his black and white eyes as a look of remorse crossed his face. "Oh my gosh. No, I-I shouldn't have yelled." With a groan, he tore through his hair, making a few strands come out due to how tight he was gripping them. His eyes widened in fear when he saw the white strands. "... I need to find Nath."

Before he can leave, Mylene grabs his wrist. He tries not to shudder by how slimy her hand is. "But what if you hurt-"

Marc narrowed his cold eyes. "Oh, I'll be doing much worse." He snatched his wrist out of Mylene's grip and continued to look for the redhead.

Mylene stared after him with concern, but that quickly faded when a strong gust of wind hit her and knocked her over. "I told you..." The pink splotches on her skin grew, taking over almost all of her natural skin tone. She whipped her head towards the purple and white-haired weather girl. "to CUT THAT OUT, AURORE!" The weather girl quickly opened her umbrella to deflect the projectile slime getting spewed in her direction.

Aurore cackled as her blue dress slowly faded to purple. "What? Can't handle a little wind?" She suddenly perked. "Hey, I think I saw Ivan hiding in the music room. Better hurry," she crooned sinisterly. In an instant, Mylene leaped over the mezzanine and took off into the music room on all fours. Aurore smirked. "Sucker." She pointed the tip of her parasol at the door and blasted ice, blocking Mylene's only exit while also freezing Denise and Jean. Both are also slowly gaining their Akumatized selves' features. Aurore turned on her heel and called out, "Mireille? My sweet rain cloud, come on out!"

Marc flung another desk to the side. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" He seethed as the right side of his hair turned completely white. He grips another desk and lifts it just a few inches up off the floor before dropping it. "Stop it, stop it!" He tells himself. "You're not him!" In frustration, Marc punches the desk, making breaking it into bits.

"... Marc?"

He turned to where he heard the familiar voice and sees Nathaniel coming out from behind one of the desks he hadn't thrown aside yet. Marc's look softened for a moment before he scowled. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Seeing him grabbing for another desk, Nathaniel made a break for the door. "Oh, you are not getting away that easy," he hissed as the left half of his face became paler until it was completely white.

Nathaniel's lungs started hurting again, hurting even worse than when he started running from Marc when he was hit by Hawkmoth's latest Akuma about half an hour ago. But he's not stopping for anything, especially the students who are slowly turning back into their Akumatized forms and going after their significant others to do who-knows-what. He ducks out of the way of one of the beams coming from the jewel on Juleka's wrist before pulling her almost rubbery pink hair over her eyes. This hinders her for a moment and allows him to get away.

It feels like a nightmare turned real- the love of his life is out to kill him, but at the same time, Marc's trying to restrain himself as best as he can; everyone who got hit is, but they're not as strong as their Akuma selves. Nathaniel runs for what felt like hours when he suddenly feels something weigh his left hand down. He looks to see what happened and finds a glowing purple pause symbol on his hand.

"Alright, I got the little shit," he heard Alya mutter. Nathaniel looked behind him and sees her and Marc making their way towards him. "Now tell me where you saw Nino," she demanded, saying the capped boy's name as if it were the most horrible word in the dictionary.

"Cafeteria," Marc answered, not even looking at her but instead his target. He grips the back of Nathaniel's blazer. "Check in the kitchen."

Alya's lips curled into a smirk. "I got that bastard now." She taps her phone screen, making the pause symbol on Nathaniel's hand disappear." Another tap on her screen. Alya's body glows bright purple before disappearing.

Still gripping Nathaniel's blazer, Marc slams him into the wall with much more strength than necessary to restrain him. Nathaniel can't hold back his tears anymore. "Rainbow, please let me go," he begged.

"Are you colorblind or something, idiot?!" He slams the redhead against the wall again so hard that Nathaniel can taste copper.

Nathaniel tried to stay awake, to fight off the feeling that he could pass out at any moment. Not just to think of any way to get out of this but also for Mark's own sake when this is all over. If Marc goes too far, Ladybug's cure will bring him back, but he might remember what he did. So, Nathaniel does whatever he can to keep his boyfriend from potentially killing him. He reaches for his hand to try and get Marc to snap out of the Akuma's control like before but he finds his hand in a strong grip that has him in tears as the nails dig into his skin.

Marc- No. Reverser chuckled darkly. "I don't know what I was thinking before. Reversing you so you'd be forced to make a comic with me? I should've just dropped you from the Eiffel Tower when I had the chance!" He grips Nathaniel's hand tighter and grins when he hears both his bones cracking and a scream of pain. Nathaniel let out a breath of relief when he felt Reverser release his hand and believed Marc was starting to take control of himself again until,

"Now your dead," he whispered.

"N-no. Marc pl-please," Nathaniel pleaded as tears streamed down his face.

"Reversion." He was about to hit Nathaniel's back with one of his paper airplanes when a swarm of ladybugs surrounded him and Nathaniel. Nathaniel feels his injuries disappear and Marc is left wondering why he has his boyfriend pinned to the wall while he's sobbing his eyes out. He looks around and sees many other students also in tears and hugging the air out of their confused significant others.

Everything suddenly came back to Marc. "... Oh my God," he shuddered. Seeing that he still had Nathaniel's hand in a vice grip, he quickly released him and gently turned the redhead towards him. Marc's heart broke at the sight of his boyfriend's tear-stained face. His emerald green eyes began to brim with tears of guilt. "Nath, I'm so-" He doesn't finish his sentence when the artist threw his arms around him, holding him in in a loving embrace.

He choked back a sob. "I'm just glad you're back, Rainbow!"

"I could have killed you," Marc barely whispered.

Nathaniel cups his face. "But you didn't. It's okay, love. You even tried to stop yourself before." He kisses Marc, getting some of his lipstick on his own lips but he doesn't mind. He was just so glad the nightmare is over.

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now