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Nathaniel went over the plan a dozen more times in his head. It was so easy!... So, so easy. All he had to do was shoot a burly man who is a foot taller than him so he could feed his dead corpse to a blood-thirty plant and save the boy of his dreams from his loveless, abusive relationship... It sounded a lot easier when the plant and those three ladies sang it to him.

"Next!" He yelled, startling the redhead and making him jump in his seat.

He stood "Th-that's me," Nathaniel stammered. His whole body shook as Lucien Rebois walked in with his uniform covered in the blood of one of his poor patients.

The brunette narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Do you have an appointment?"

"We met yesterday. Nathaniel Kurtzberg."

A look of realization crossed over Lucien's face. Yes, he recognized him now. "Of course. The guy with the plant... And the band-aids," he added with a bit of edge in his voice.

"That's right." Slowly and shakily, he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls a gun out.

"... And the gun."

The shorter male nodded. "R... Right."

Lucien could see right through him. Trying to be his Emerald's little savior and shoot him dead. "Why are you pointing a gun at me, Nathaniel?"

The gun shook in his hold. "I... I..."

He crossed over to Nathaniel with a warm smile. "I'm guessing you're just a little bit nervous about seeing a dentist." Lucien grabs onto the hand that had the gun in its' grasp and smoothly slid the weapon out of Nathaniel's hold.

Nathaniel shook his head. "No... No, I-I'm not nervous, I-" Lucien roughly grabbed him around the shoulder and walked him into his office as he twirled the gun in his hand. "I'm really not," he squeaked. Lucien laughed that same stupid laugh whenever Marc begged for him to stop. Nathaniel needed that gun back now!

Lucien pushed Nathaniel into this antique dentist's chair that sat in the middle of the darkly-lit office. The dim fluorescent lights managed to illuminate the room, making it look more like a torture chamber instead of a dentist's office. Old-fashioned dental equipment with worn-out handles hung from the walls, and a huge tank of laughing gas sat in the corner. But you want to know something? Lucien never gives his patients laughing gas. It's for him... While he operates!

"I really don't want my teeth examined- Ow!" He screamed as Lucien twisted his wrist.

"Say 'Ah'!"

"No!" Lucien twisted harder. "AAAHH!" The dentist who should really have his license taken away pried his mouth open with his fingers. Nathaniel tried, but he couldn't get his mouth to close so he could bite him.

"Oh, your teeth are fucked up," he said with a sadistic grin. "I'm seeing quite a few cavities. You've got plaque. You're impacted. You're abscessed!" He took in Nathaniel's screams. "What you need is a complete oral examination. We'll start with that old wisdom tooth!"

Finally able to open and close his mouth again now that Lucien took his fingers out, Nathaniel yelled, "NO!" He tried to get up, but Lucien pushed him back into the chair.

"We'll just rip the little nuisance right out of there," he grinned, once again twirling the gun in his hands, which only made Nathaniel panic even more.

"I really need to go!"

Lucien tutted as he dropped the gun on a small tray connected to the chair. "There's always time for dental hygiene, Nathaniel! Have you ever truly seen the results of neglected teeth?" He makes his way over to a cabinet filled with even more dental torture weapons and comes back with a book. he flips to a few pages and stops on ones with graphic pictures of nauseatingly diseased gums and rotten teeth!"

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now