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The Akumas looked up as a fleet of black and white paper airplanes cast a shadow over them all, making them cease their fighting. A much more menacing one comes into view, making one of the Akumas snarl as he knew who was in control of the fleet.

"Shit, he's here," Evillustrator hissed once he finished erasing Dark Cupid's wings, making him fall to the ground and land on top of Bubbler.

A dark, menacing laugh shakes everyone to their cores as a figure dressed in black and white jumps from the paper airplane, falls, and throws a powerful punch to the ground, blowing everyone back. A few even cling onto each other for dear life as the blow goes in reverse, pulling everyone into the source. The Akumas get launched upward, and those who didn't have any way of flying fell hard on the ground around him. Reverser.

"I got you now, you bastard," Evillustrator muttered, uninjured due to drawing a mattress for him to land on.

Time Breaker got back up with some struggle. "If he gets the Miracle Box, he'll be unstoppable!"

Evillustrator drew a few missiles. "Oh, no he won't!" He points to the black and white figure with his pen, sending the missiles after him. They're just an inch away when Reverser snaps his fingers. Immediately, the missiles freeze in place, flip around, and head towards Evillustrator and Time Breaker. Evillustrator quickly draws a metal barrier in front of them to block the missiles.

The Akuma's black and white lips curled into a smirk. "My turn." He summons the black and white paper airplane glider he flew in on, mounts it, and speeds off to take the Miracle Box while the other Akumas are down.

Evillustrator erased the barrier and missiles before drawing a jetpack on his back. Seeing Lady WiFi about to get up, he draws a ball and chain around her ankle. "Hey!" She screamed, trying to move, but found it impossible. "What the hell?!"

"I'm going after him!" The purple-skinned Akuma seethed. "I'm not letting him get away from me this time!" He blasted off with his jetpack and chased after Reverser.

Sensing someone behind him, Reverser charged up a blast in his left hand and threw it at Evillustrator, who veered to the left and dodge it. "You're not as terrible as you were last time! You know, when I kicked your ass?" He taunted before avoiding a boxing glove drawn by Evillustrator. "Well, aren't we feisty?"

"I was holding back before!" Evillustrator shouted, drawing a pair of rocket boots to gain up on the other. "Figured I give the newbie a break, you know?"

Reverser smirked as he summoned some black and white paper and began folding it. "Oh, were you? Were you holding back during the battle for Orikko's thumb ring?" The paper he folded turned into an origami ax. "Your aim was pretty off, Evie," he said before throwing the ax at one of Evillustrator's rocket boots, damaging it and making him go off course as he screamed. "Your reflexes could use some work, too," he cackled and continued his way towards the Miracle Box, sitting at the very top of the Eiffel Tower. Once he has it, the rest of those idiots won't know what hit them.


He looks back for a second before screaming, "SHI-!" A massive baseball bat smacks him off of his glider and into the air. Regaining some of his composure before he hits the ground, Reverser tucks and rolls. Hearing the taunting laughter of Evillustrator, he looks up and sees him with a newly repaired rocket boot, flying towards the Eiffel Tower. "Well played." He summons his glider again and flies after Evillustrator.

The two are neck and neck as they near the structure where the Miracle Box lied. It all comes down to just the two of them. The second they're at the top of the structure, the two take a moment to gaze at the Miracle Box, sitting under a Heavenly pillar of light. Reverser finally managed to look away from the source of all power and quickly punched Evillustrator in the face before running after the Miracle Box, only to be blown away by a giant fan drawn by Evillustrator.

"It's mine!" He cheered.

With some struggle, Reverser charged up another blast and aimed for the fan. "REVERSION!" When hit, the fan short-circuited and the blades slowly stopped spinning. With that out of the way, Reverser created an origami rope to snatch Evillustrator and fling him off the side of the tower. With his competition out of the way, Reverser approaches the Miracle Box and stands before it with a sinister look. Finally, after all this time. But before he can grab it-

"HEY!" He looks up to see Evillustrator again with another jetpack and backed up by dozens of Military-grade missiles, all aimed for Reverser. The Akuma paled- as much as he could since one side of his face is black and the other is white. He folds two origami shields and holds them up, blocking the first blast, and another, and another, and another. Evillustrator continues to launch missiles at Reverser and doesn't stop drawing more until Reverser creates origami throwing stars, which he throws at Evillustrator's drawing hand. As he clutches it, Reverser throws another star at one of the jetpack's straps. As he falls, Evillustrator goes off course and crashes into the tower's beams.

Reverser approaches the Miracle Box, grabs it, and holds it high in the air for the other Akumas to see.

The Akumas look from where they are in horror as Reverser lets out a dark laugh. It's all over. He won. With some reluctance, they all kneeled.

"Come on, bud," Tim Breaker muttered under her breath. "Get up." As if her prayers were answered, in a violent blast of purple electricity, Evillustrator shot up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, his left fist raised. Evillustrator gives Reverser a swift uppercut, knocking him back. In the process, the Miracle Box flies out of his hand. Just as Evillustrator, fueled with rage is about to fight him again, he stops and stares when he sees Reverser without his hood up. The black and white Akuma gives a little smile and walks up to him.

"I win again" he crooned. Reverser nonchalantly pushes Evillustrator off the railing and down to the ground. He grabs the Miracle Box again, holds it up in triumph, and laughs maniacally.


"Oh, come on!" Alix shouted as she threw her controller away. "You always win this game!"

"What is your secret?!" Max screamed as he gripped the front of Marc's shirt. "Tell me, man! Tell me!"

Marc only shrugged. "I'm just that good."

Nathaniel huffed. "You really are Marinette's cousin." His classmates nodded along while Marinette sat off to the side since she wasn't allowed to play Akuma Battle Royale since she always wins this game. Looks like they'd have to ban another person from playing. He kisses Marc's cheek. "I still love you. Even if your character always does beat me."

"And he always will."

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now