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"ALIX, DON'T!" Nathaniel yelled as he tried to restrain the shorter girl from committing one of the three, murder, arson, or both.

"I'm gonna kill them," she seethed, trying to writhe out of his grip.

Alya took a few steps away. "Um, maybe you should take her home," she suggested. "To cool down?"

"Alix's is not going to kill anyone, because she doesn't even know where Take-A-Look lives!

"I'LL FIND THEM! I WILL!" Alix bites one of Nathaniel's fingers, making him yell in pain and release her as he gripped the finger she bit. She made a run for the door but was quickly tackled to the floor by Rose. "DAMNIT!"

Nino groaned as he took a long sip of his water. He began to rub his temples. "God, I can't believe they're back! I thought the asshole stopped."

"They can't be stopped," Max whispered ominously as he rocked back and forth in the corner of the classroom. "They're notorious. Do you have any idea how many times I've tried to track down the God-awful IP address?!"

"Who's back?" Adrien finally asked. Alya nodded along, just as confused as the blonde. "Who's Take-A-Look? What's going on, you guys?"

"What are you losers talking about?" Chloe asked as she and Sabrina walked into the room with frappes in their hands.

"Take-A-Look is back," Marinette whispered.

Chloe spits out her drink onto the floor and Sabrina drops hers'. "WHAT?!"

Sabrina gripped at the ends of her hair and began to pace around. "No, no, no, no! You're lying, Marinette! Very funny!"

"I'm not!" She screamed. Everyone flinched at her outburst. "Did you not see how everyone was freaking out when you walked into today?"

The heiress furrowed her brow in thought. Looking back, everyone did seem a little on edge, the students and teachers. "... Fuck," she whispered. "We are so screwed."

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT!" Yelled Alya. "Come on! Who's Take-A-Look, or whatever their name is, huh?"

Adrien added, "You guys are being a little ominous right now."

Seeing that she finally calmed down, Rose got off of Alix. The pinkette stood and took a few breaths. "I'm good," she sighed. "So, Take-A-Look is this little prick on Twitter who somehow has access to everyone's personal information, namely DuPont's."

"They go around tagging every student here who's on Twitter to their announcements. They post once a day for a week every month," Juleka explained. "Bunch of rumors and secrets that ruin lives."


Nathaniel counted on his fingers, "Outing students, spreading information about teachers' lives out of school to get them fired, telling people I'm not a natural redhead."

Nino rested a hand on his shoulder. "Let it go, dude."

"I will not!" He yelled. "Do you have any idea how many times people have pulled on my hair to see if it's a wig?"

"Who would do something like this?" Adrien questioned. "That's awful!"

Everyone around the room glanced at each other with a bit of suspicion. Ivan spoke, "No one knows. But's someone who knows everything about everyone here. Most likely a student. Max has tried dozens of times to track them down."

"But I never could," Max muttered. He fished his phone out of his pocket. "When they stopped about two years ago, I let it go. But now I'll do whatever I can to track this bastard down." He hands Adrien his phone. "Look. It's their latest post on the page."

NathMarc November 2021Where stories live. Discover now