35: The Chopper

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We drive after the helicopter and Hobbs yells "Let's go fishing Shaw" towards Deck in the front seat. "You catch him, I'll gut him" Deck shouts back. Hobbs grabs the chain as we near the helicopter. "Hold on" Deck shouts to us as we near a small jump. I hold onto the truck tight while Hobbs swings the chain before throwing it at the helicopter as we drive below it. The chain wraps around the helicopter and pulls it towards the floor as we land on the floor. "Welcome to my island, you son of a bitch" Hobbs shouts at Brixton in the helicopter.

We drift around a corner and the helicopter is dragged behind us. "You get us close and we'll get her" Hobbs shouts at Deck before looking at me. I nod in answer, we're gonna get Hattie before Brixton gets that virus and kills her. "I'll keep his nose down. You reel him in" Deck shouts back and Hobbs jumps over a pole on the truck and flips a switch that starts reeling the chain in. I look at the helicopter to see a man fall out and then I notice Eteon vehicles appearing behind us.

Suddenly, the back wheels of the truck are lifted off the ground by the helicopter. "What are you doing?" Deck shouts, as if we have anything to do with this. "We're going for a ride" Hobbs shouts back. "Hold on" he tells me. "Ya think" I reply sarcastically with a smile, already holding on. Jonah then drives out in front of us and they hook their car to ours before the helicopter lifts our front wheels off the ground. Another one of Hobbs' brothers appears and attaches his car to Jonah's. The helicopter continues to lift each pair of wheels off the ground. "We're gonna need more weight" Deck yells. Another of Hobbs' brothers attaches his vehicle to the only one still on the ground. Hobbs yells some words of encouragement and praise to his brothers before the helicopter flies over a cliff and drags us in the same direction. Hobbs and I do everything we can to stay on the truck while we look down at the deadly drop below us. We scream as we cling to the truck as tight as we can and Hobbs keeps an eye on me. "Hit them with the moonshine now!" he yells at his brothers.

As each vehicle landed back on the ground with all four wheels, they used the moonshine and we shot forward and pulled the chopper with us. Once we're on the ground, Deck flips the switch for our moonshine tank and speed ahead and towards no mans land. Suddenly, the chopper fires at the ground and Hobbs and I yell forward "Incoming!". The explosion causes all vehicles to separate and it's just our truck left. As if things couldn't get any better, multiple Eteon vehicles appear behind us and prepare their guns. "We've got a little trouble back here Deck" I yell to Deck. "We'll lose them in no mans land" he yells back. The vehicles begin firing at us and Hobbs and I duck down to avoid being shot. Once we reach no mans land the gas tanks begin firing out of the ground and into the vehicles and chopper as we drive over the ground. "Alright, now hit that stake" Hobbs tells Deck and he swerves to hit the stake and the shovel from a digger swings out of the trees and into an Eteon vehicle. It explodes and causes the other vehicles to crash as well.

Hobbs and I see the chain loosening from the machine and Hobbs dives forward to grab it but is too late. I grab the chain as it swings by me and Hobbs grabs my other hand and holds the truck with his other. I feel the strain as the chopper pulls me towards it and Hobbs holds me towards the truck. I scream in agony and exhaustion as I keep a strong grip on the chain and a tight hold on Hobbs' hand. "I got you Dani" Deck yells and steps on the breaks, allowing Hobbs to pull me towards him. I land on the floor of the truck and he grabs the chain and re-hooks it to the machine while I relax my muscles and take a deep breath.

The chopper begins smoking and losing control while Deck makes a U-turn. I look up to see Hattie in the door of the chopper. "Guys!" she shouts. "Hattie!" I shout before Hobbs shouts "Jump!". She prepares to jump but the chopper creates a sudden movement and she's thrown back into it. The chopper's engine shuts down and it plummets to the bottom of the cliff and drags the truck down with it. "No, no, no" I mutter as the truck flips and Hobbs and I are thrown off of it and into the pool of water and rain at the bottom of the cliff and its waterfall.

I reach the surface of the water and take a deep breath, filling my lungs with air. I see Hobbs and Deck swimming to the side and I follow behind them. Deck reaches a hand out for me and I take it. He pulls me onto the stones and I take a few deep breaths of exhaustion. "You ok?" he asks me concerned. "I'm ok" I answer with a smile. He nods to me before standing on his knees and calling "Hattie!". "Hobbs, you ok?" I ask him and he nods at me with a grateful smile. "This doesn't end your way boys" Brixton yells at us as he stand on the chopper. "Ye you keep telling yourself that" Deck replies quickly. "The numbers don't add up for you" Brixton responds, clearly amused by the situation.

Brixton jumps down from the chopper and Hobbs and I stand to our feet and stand beside Deck. "You know, I feel sorry for you. Cause it's not just metal they filled your head with" Deck says to him. "It's bullshit" Hobbs adds. "I was beginning to like you guys, you know that?" Brixton says, pointing at us. His face falls and he says "Oh well" before charging towards us. Here we go.

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