~Chapter 1~

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I woke to the sound of my alarm. My eyes fluttered open to stare at my ceiling. Next to me was my phone, littered with emails and missed phone calls from my best friend. I slowly rose from my bed and checked the time. 7:30. Shit, I thought. The meeting starts in thirty minutes. Rushing into my closet I picked out my new uniform and quickly freshened up in the bathroom before grabbing everything I would need for the day and rushing out the door.

(what your wearing)

The streets were filled with people making the daily commute to work, school or wherever else they were going as I made my way to the JYP building

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The streets were filled with people making the daily commute to work, school or wherever else they were going as I made my way to the JYP building. The building itself was split into two, a dorm for the idols, important staff and trainees, and the main building where the gym, dance studios, offices and more were located. I made my way through the unusually large crowd and finally got to the café where I ordered a mocha. "Here's your drink miss, enjoy your day!"

The barista handed over my drink and I rushed off to the elevators. While I waited, I decided to check my phone notifications. Seeing I had eight missed calls from my best friend motivated me to call her. The ringing noise lasted a matter of two seconds before she picked up. "OMG Y/N WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ME?" I instantly pulled the phone away from my ear. Some of the staff surrounding me glanced in my direction and I quietly apologised.

"Ok, good morning to you to Jia." I put the phone back up to my ear. "Let me guess, you slept in again?" I nodded then remembered she can't see me and confirmed her guess. "Yeah. I was up late last night doing some last-minute packing and lost track of time." A small blush of embarrassment crept up my face. "Its alright girl, you just need to stop daydreaming about all the hot guys your about to practically live with and get some sleep every once in a while." I let out a small giggle. "My mind hasn't gone down that rabbit hole ONCE since I got the job. You just had to bring it up, didn't you?"

Jia let out an ugly laugh. "Hey I'm your bestie, it's my job. By the way let me know when your stuff arrives and ill help you unpack, I have nothing better to do anyway." I managed to respond with an 'ok' before the elevator arrived. I stepped in and said a quick goodbye to Jia, hanging up on her. The elevator ride was quiet and calm. A feeling of peace washed over me and I relaxed. Soon it was my stop and I got out, holding on slightly to tight to my laptop bag.

"Ah, Y/N. Your just on time dear, follow me. This way." A lady dressed in a tight pencil skirt gestured to follow her into one of the offices. A rather large desk filled most of the room, with an older man sitting behind it. He took a sip of his coffee before turning his attention to me. "Y/N, right?" I nodded. "Thankyou so much for taking over Hajoon's position. As you know, he resigned for health reasons and we needed someone young and fresh to take over. In a couple of minutes one of the other managers will take you on a quick tour around the building and introduce you to the group you're in charge of now. Then you will be shown to your apartment. How does that sound?"

I nodded politely. "Oh, don't be so polite, loosen up." A tall woman with flowing black hair leant gently on my shoulder. "I'm Jimin, the manager of Twice. While they are off with the choreographer, I'm here to show you around! Come on girly, lets get this show on the road." She stood up properly, taking a second to pull her hair to one side and fix up her shirt before grabbing my hand and leading me to the door. "Thanks Mr. Park!" Her slender hand raised in a wave goodbye as we entered the elevator once again.

~Hidden Romance~ (Seo Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now