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"YOU'RE A BITCH, MILES!" Jade, one of our campers screeches

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"YOU'RE A BITCH, MILES!" Jade, one of our campers screeches.


"Hey!" I raise my voice, catching her attention. She grins at me, waving. "Watch your damn mouth, you hear me?"

She frowns, nodding with her head hung low as she waddles to Summer shamefully. Summer gets little arms wrapped around her waist and she pats Jade's back.

"Hi, sweetness."

"Summer, Noah yelled at me." She sniffles and I gape at her as Summer watches me, amused.

"Did he now?"


I feel her gaze on me before I turn my head to look at her again.

"Noah, why would you yell at this little angel?" Summer says, her tone playful enough to have me holding back a grin.

I fold my arms. "Miss Jade said the B-word, Sunshine."

Summer gasps, feigning incredulity as she looks down at Jade, shaking her head disappointedly. "Jade McKelle. What did I tell you about throwing banana around so carelessly. It hurts people's feelings, kid."

That makes Jade giggle, nudging Summer's shoe with her own. Summer pats the little girl on the head, gesturing for her to take a step back, and she does.

"No more cussing. Got it?"

She grins all big. "Got it."

And then she's off toward the other kids who are doing crafts and talking amongst themselves.

I watch Summer as she steps closer and closer to me, stopping just a couple inches away. She reaches for the collar of my shirt and my heart stops for a good moment, only starting back up when she steps back.

"Sorry." She laughs awkwardly, rubbing at her elbow. "It's been bothering me all day."

I almost tell her that she can do that anytime she wants as long as she's that close, but instead make a mental note to wear more collared shirts and leave the cabin with it all crooked.

This time it was only like that because some kid lunged at me from behind and tried killing me.

Really, he only wanted to play, but I don't play with the kids unless I want or absolutely have to. Luckily, Marissa has been with the kids for the most part so Summer and I just step in when we have to.

It's not usually supposed to be this way, but Marissa goes all mama bear when we insist. I swear she even grows fangs within the single second it takes for us to practically plead to help.

We can't leave and helping is the only thing that would give us even a little bit of semi-satisfactory entertainment.

I guess I'm fine with not dealing with the younger kids who still shit themselves, but it's a matter of life and death at this point. We're not allowed to have our phones out in front of the kids unless it's an emergency and it's nothing short of torture.

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