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"Summer!" Mansa shoves at my shoulder gently and I swat her hand away with a frown

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"Summer!" Mansa shoves at my shoulder gently and I swat her hand away with a frown. "You guys seriously haven't talked since it happened?"

My gaze flickers to Noah. He's standing next to Nikki and Jerry, talking, I guess.

"Yeah. Why would he talk to me, anyway? He probably thinks I'm a horny little freak."

"Based on your Wattpad reading lists, I wouldn't blame him." Henah mumbles. My heart stops beating as I gape at her.

This is my worst fear. Someone finding my reading lists or comments. Especially someone I know in real life.

Instead of dodging, I go for it. "How did you find my Wattpad?"

She shrugs, looking at Emma for a split second. I narrow my eyes at both of them. Maybe partners in crime. So help me God...

"Well... I may have just, uh. I—" Henah tries. Emma rolls her eyes before giving me a hard look.

"I'm fixing this."

Fixing what?

I open my mouth to voice my internal question when she gives me the answer to that question by throwing her arm up in the air and waving her hand around like an idiot.

With a frown, I look toward where her gaze is aimed and low and behold, the jerk is waving over Noah. He begins making his way toward us as I shoot Emma my deadliest glare.

"I knew I should have never talked to you!" I hiss and she grimaces, mouthing an apology.

But it isn't enough. How the heck could it be? This is probably going to lead to something so exponentially embarrassing that I dive into the lake. No floaty. As in, I will purposely drown myself if I say something stupid.

"Hey." Noah says and I don't move a muscle.

My gaze stays trained on the water and I don't listen as the girls start talking to him. I'm scared to.

But maybe they're talking about me.

No. They're not and I know that, but...

"Excuse me." I mumble and slip past the space between Noah and Henah.

He reaches out for me, but I make it over toward the kids without him touching me once.

Why does this hurt so much? Not talking to him makes me feel like I'm ice cold. I don't feel warm of excited or happy because of him. Because of the fact that him and I aren't speaking right now.

𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now