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I point to the box in Summer's hand and then point to the ground

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I point to the box in Summer's hand and then point to the ground.

"Put it down," I warn her. She only frowns at me, shaking her head stubbornly with our fur baby tucked under her arm. "I mean it, Summer. Put the box down."

"No! I want to help. Let me help." She insists.

We're just moving into our new place together—and it isn't like I don't want her to help, because I do. I'd love for her to help. Except she's holding the biggest box in here, and the last thing I want is for her to get hurt.

"Summer, you can help with something smaller. Please leave it." I beg her.

She only shakes her head at me, crossing her cute chubby arms.

"Why, because I'm a woman?"

"Because you're an idiot. Put it down."

My girlfriend scoffs, looking at Jade—our puppy—with sad eyes that aren't even really sad. She just wants my boyfriendly pity, but she won't get it.

"Sexist men are the biggest danger to a woman's mental health, Jade. Write that down."

I roll my eyes at her. I think she means sexy, but I'll let it pass this once.

Our dog tilts her head at Summer as she leans down to put the box where it belongs—on the floor... So that I can unpack it once she heads inside. I watch as she turns for the door to go inside with that stupid little pout she knows gets on my nerves

 I watch as she turns for the door to go inside with that stupid little pout she knows gets on my nerves

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I finish unpacking most of our stuff by the middle of the day.

Summer is passed out on the couch, wrapped in a blanket that's too small for her with Jade sleeping right next to her.

If our couch were bigger, I'd go sleep with them. For now, though, I start cooking something for dinner. She's always hungry when she wakes up.

Things have changed a lot since last summer. For starters, she's not sleeping in my guest bedroom, but our bedroom. We have a fur child, and unlike like last summer, her dad is actually making an effort with Mason.

It took me talking Summer up for months for her to confront her dad. They never made up, but she gaslit him hard enough for him to grow a pair.

Mason spends the weekends with us whenever he wants, and it feels like having a family. Which is something I never got the chance to really get used to. With Summer and Mason around, and now Jade, I feel like I finally have a life. Like, a good and comfortable life. I never want anything to change.

Not my Summer or me. I just want these moments to last forever. I'm so happy that thinking about not being happy sours my mood. So, I push the gross thoughts aside.

I'm serving Summer when I hear a familiar little yawn and then the sound of Jade's nails hitting the floor.

I look up just in time to watch her sit up. Her shirt is on all wrong and her shorts are basically falling off. I almost laugh, but she's too pretty to make fun of.

"Made you food." I tell her quietly. She smacks her lips together a few times before throwing herself back on the couch.

Okay, now I laugh at her.

"Come hug me." She grumbles, squinting at me.

"Do you want food?"

She nods, so I walk over to her with her food in ny hand. I place it on the end table I dragged in here earlier, lifting her legs so I can sit down.

Making a little whiny sound, she gets up to cuddle up next to me.

"Cold?" I whisper.



I wrap my arm around her shoulder, hugging her close to me.

She's got her legs pulled up on the couch, her feet tucked under my thighs and her hands under my shirt. No wonder she isn't cold, she's stealing all my body warmth for myself.

Meh. What do I care? She can have it all.

I press my lips to her hair. "You have to eat."

With a hum, she opens her eyes to peer up at me. She smiles all mischievously before digging her teeth into my arms.

I make like I'm going to bite her back, making her laugh.

"I love your smile." I tell her. Because I really do, and I'll never get enough of telling her that.

"Thanks. For that, for the food, for hugging me."

"You're welcome."

I lean down to peck her on the lips, but then she doesn't let me go. She holds onto my face, deepening the kiss and getting on top of me.

We somehow—have no idea how—end up doing unspeakable things on that could. On our couch, in our house, in our space that we now share together. And all the while her food is getting cold, we never do. We never get cold. In fact, I've never been warmer.

But I think that's more about me holding Summer like she's my lifeline. Like she's my sunshine, like she's my light. Because she is. She really is, and I'm hoping to stay this warm, this fucking hot until I die.

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