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Paper Mache World by Matilda Mann is playing and Noah is drumming his fingers against the steering wheel while we wait for the light to turn green

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Paper Mache World by Matilda Mann is playing and Noah is drumming his fingers against the steering wheel while we wait for the light to turn green.

We've made it into town, only about ten to twenty from Tamsyn. It feels like three seconds have passed, though. The thought of time slowing just for us makes me smile a bit. What a wonderful thought.

Noah's humming and I'm silently admiring and wishing I knew this song too.

That thought makes me think of singing and singing makes me think of writing. It's been so long wince I've written a song. All of the ones that fill most of my school notebooks are about my mom and Dad. Mason and being lonely.

But as I'm watching Noah, I realize how much I want to write. About him or for him, I'm not sure. Either way, it's a foreign feeling and I take a mental note to get to the paper tonight.

We haven't spoken a single word since we left, but it's a comfortable silence that I have no interest in breaking.

The sun is going down outside and it's sprinkling outside.

"Pretty." I mumble. So much for not breaking the silence.

Noah doesn't say anything, but I know his gaze flicks to me, even if just for second. I feel it burn my cheek in the best way possible. But I guess it always feels good knowing he's looking at me.

The trees don't wizz by since Noah is driving considerably slow. I like it, though. It gives me time to appreciate everything outside the window in a way I couldn't when I was driving here or when I was worried about Mason.

Oh, right. I need to tell him we left.

Hope u don't mind that we abandoned u.
Should be back soon.
Text or call for anything ❤️❤️

Mason Jar:
I love you.
Also pls stop w/ the hearts.
It's weird.

I mentally flip him off, shutting off my phone and tucking it between my thighs.

All of a sudden, wind brushes my cheek. I look up and Noah has his window down. I reach to put mine down, but the windows are locked now.

Looking over at him, ready to ask him to unlock it, I realize that he's done it on purpose. One of the corners of his mouth is pulled up, but I don't give into the urge to scowl at him.

"You're a child." I announce and he laughes at me. Frowning, I lean my head back against the headrest and roll it until I'm staring right at the beauty that is the side of this man's face. "This isn't funny, Noah."

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