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He's reading it

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He's reading it. Like, really reading it.

I've edited books of all kinds in my time of doing this, including... the kind he's reading out loud right now. But nobody knows that. I mean, how could they? I haven't told a soul that I revise these kinds of books.

Lord, please help me. I've been so good.

"I tug at the waistband of her leggings, taking in the curve of her hips as they lift from the mattress to aid me in undressing h-"

Before he can continue, I reach over him and slam the lid to the laptop shut, my face burning and probably pink. I don't care, though. I just need this to be over. And I desperately want to smash my head into a wall or jump in front of a moving vehicle so my life will be over.

He doesn't put up a fight at all, even going as far as to nudge it off of his lap and in the space between us, which I'm beyond thankful for.

I take just a moment to catch the breath I didn't even realized escaped me while he read through. Jesus. Not in a million years would I have guessed that he'd start reading it aloud. How could I? Completely absurd.

Then he says it.

"Are you... turned on by this?"


"Pffft. Noooo."

Yeah, good job, Sum. Very convincing.

He shakes his head, laughing a little. "It's not a bad thing, Summer. Honestly, me too."

"You too what?"

Please don't say it. Please don't say it.

"Turned on."

God, you can take me now. I'm ready.


"Yeah, I mean, the writing is pretty okay. And the description? I'd be surprised if you weren't. If I wasn't."

If my thighs didn't already touch on their own, I'd squeeze mine shut right now.

What is happening? Why did I show him the thing? I could have very well opened a different book and scrolled to a random spot to get him off my back.

I kind of like this a little better, though.

It's weird, but it's... exciting. Embarrassing, yes, but exciting nonetheless.

This has me wondering if there's something wrong with me psychologically or if I'm just very... h-word.

Ew. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.

He cracks a grin at me. "Imagine if we acted it out?"

Yes, please.

I force my brows to knit and blow raspberries into nothingness. "No way. That would be..."

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