Behind Closed Doors

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Stiles closed the door quickly as he heard his dad walk down the stairs. He took a moment to breathe against the wood before turning around to face Derek. Except Derek was right there slamming him back against the door.

"You breathe one word and I'll..."

Stiles chanced a glance at Derek's lips as he interrupted, "Like what? 'Hey dad, Derek Hale is in my room. Bring your gun'?"

He watched as Derek glanced down at his lips before glaring back into amber colored irises. Derek's grip on Stiles' jacket loosened.

"That's right, if I'm harbouring your fugitive ass, it's my house my rules buddy."

Derek nodded minutely, took a step backwards, and jerked Stiles' jacket into place. In a rush of boldness Stiles jerked Derek's jacket down before moving to walk past him. He did not expect Derek to lean his body back in and crash his lips to Stiles'. Shock had Stiles frozen only for a moment before he grabbed the front of the leather jacket once more. Only this time he grabbed it to pull Derek impossibly closer.

Derek couldn't explain why he decided kissing Stiles in that moment was a good idea. Maybe it was because Stiles relentlessly pushed and challenged him without fear. Maybe it was because those amber eyes seemed to see and capture Derek's soul. Or maybe it was that Stiles and his scent felt like home and safety. Regardless of the reason, which Derek elected to ignore, he found himself melting into Stiles. It didn't take long before Derek's hand in his hair and tongue in his mouth wasn't enough for Stiles.

Stiles moved to the side of Derek, keeping his mouth in place as he shrugged off his first layer. They broke for air as Derek removed his jacket and Stiles threw his flannel across the room. Stiles backed up towards his bed, eyeing Derek with a look that he couldn't describe. Derek found himself getting lost in those amber eyes and stepping closer to Stiles. He stopped just inches from the lithe teenager and Stiles' face turned soft and questioning.

"Can I.." Stiles paused with his hand lifted, "Can I scent you?" Stiles asked, his cheeks turning pink.

Derek stared at him in shock, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion. What seemed like forever stretched between them before Derek nodded minutely. Stiles let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and his look turned determined. He reached for Derek's hand and gingerly pulled it up to his chest, right above his heart. Derek's gaze zeroed in it, his focus shifting to the fast but steady thrum of Stiles' heart. Stiles grazed his hand across Derek's jaw before sliding it to the nape of Derek's neck to pull him closer. Derek was pretty sure he forgot how to breathe as Stiles brushed his nose, then his whole cheek across Derek's stubbled one. He rubbed their cheeks together once more before tracing his nose down the column of Derek's throat inhaling deeply as he went.

Stiles dropped his forehead to Derek's collar bone and let out a shaky breath. Derek trembled slightly at how wolf-like Stiles was. Derek took a deep inhale to make sure he wasn't wrong about the human, and all he got was their combined scents. Forest and pine, printed paper and something spicy yet soft. Derek dropped his nose to the spot right below Stiles' ear and inhaled again. It was cinnamon. Stiles moved his head to the side, exposing more of his throat to Derek. Derek grabbed the boy's hips to hold him in place as he took his fill scenting him back.

Somehow without quite registering it, Derek's mouth had found Stiles's again. It wasn't like the kisses before. This was soft and careful yet still full of heat. Derek was starting to think that that is how Stiles' was in general. Passionate almost to a fault but so gentle about showing it. Derek traced his fingers along the hem of Stiles' shirt and Stiles didn't hesitate to pull it over his head before pulling them backwards onto the bed. Derek lowered himself to make his body flush with Stiles'. Stiles moaned into his mouth and pushed his body back up against Derek's to find some kind of friction. Derek let his mind go blank as they kissed and moved against each other. Both looking for the friction and release, but neither of them in a hurry to get there.

Suddenly Derek felt himself being moved sideways as Stiles flipped them over. Feeling Stiles straddling his waist with his hands on his chest suddenly made Derek panic. He squeezed his eyes shut and threw his hands over his face. Tried to ignore the ghostly feeling of manicured nails dragging down his chest.

What a cute little monster you are.

Suddenly the weight was gone from his waist and he just laid there, trembling and trying to catch his breath. He heard Stiles moving around the room before walking out and down the stairs. Derek didn't care, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't move. Panic made everything sound muffled. He barely registered Stiles coming back into the room or him sitting on the bed next to him.

"Derek, Derek come on. I need you to sit up and look at me. I can help."

Derek moved his arms from his face and sat up, still struggling to breathe. Stiles' face was fuzzy as he shook a cup of ice. He pulled an icecube out and stuck it in his own mouth before raising an eyebrow at Derek as if to say 'take one'. Derek figured it couldn't hurt so he grabbed an ice cube and popped it in his mouth. The shock of the cold immediately started to dampen the panic in his chest. He started taking slower breaths through his noose as the ice cube melted. He took another one and popped it in his mouth, but couldn't bear to look at Stiles.

"This is one of the things I did a lot after my mom died. Dad was at work a lot and I had to figure out ways to help that didn't require me going anywhere. And I'm sorry that I went too far. I should've asked before flipping you like that. Won't happen again ok Sourwolf? We can just be pack and that's it. I don't expect anything else from you."

Derek didn't look up, just nodded his head dumbly. He felt totally lost. He felt Stiles glancing at him when he heard someone walking to the door. The doorbell rang and Stiles bumped shoulders with Derek before getting up and placing the cup of ice cubes in Derek's hand. Derek finally looked up as Stiles opened the door to his room.

"Thank you" he mumbled, unsure if the human had heard.

Stiles looked over his shoulder and flashed him a small smile before heading downstairs. As Derek moved towards the chair in the corner with a book, he couldn't wrap his head around Stiles' actions. How gentle he was with Derek, how much research he must have done for Scott before he got involved. How quickly he had thrown caution to the wind and kissed Stiles. Or how quickly the teenager switched gears to take care of Derek when he knew something was off. He shook his head to clear it all away. The kid was too smart for his own good. Derek decided then and there to keep the kid at arms length as much as possible, push him away even. Probably better in the long run with Derek's track record.

Stiles walked down the stairs, guilt building in his chest. Having Derek slam him into a door had been too much for Stiles' horny ass. He didn't know exactly why Derek had reacted the way he did, but he had a few guesses. And he didn't like them. As he opened the door for Danny he decided then and there. No more hanging out behind closed doors with Derek. If the doors stayed open, he couldn't get slammed into them and get all worked up. One problem solved, and on to the next one. Stiles thought as he followed Danny's cute ass back up the stairs to his room.

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