LittleRed in the Rain

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Stiles sat alone in a crowded bar, a barely touched drink in his hand. His mind wandered aimlessly and without purpose, but always ended back on the same thing. The one thing that haunted Stiles' dreams and waking steps. Derek.

Four years to the day since Derek walked away and never came back. He had said that he was looking for something. Answers he couldn't find in Beacon Hills. He had promised that he wouldn't be gone long. That he'd stay in contact the whole time. Stiles scoffed, downed his drink, and slapped some money on the bar before getting up. What a joke.

He didn't bother to zip his hoodie up as he walked out into the rain. The warm summer rain drenched him almost instantly, and he hoped it would help ease the tightness in his chest.

He rubbed at the spot absentmindedly as he strolled down the sidewalk. He couldn't stop thinking about that one fateful night. There had been a group of hunters in Beacon Hills. The pack had stood strong and came out victoriously with only minor injuries on Stiles' part. They really hadn't been bad, but Derek had absolutely flipped. Which led to a very serious, very loud discussion, and subsequently it led to confessions and really great sex.

The pack had just gotten back to the loft after finishing off their enemies. Everyone was tired, and Stiles was all banged up and bleeding. He ignored the glares from Derek as he searched for the first aid kit. The slashes on his chest weren't deep enough for stitches, but the toxins in them needed to be dealt with. Wolfsbane didn't act as fast in humans as it did with werewolves, but if left untreated it would kill him. He pulled his bloody shirt off and got to work applying the antidote into the slashes. He continued to ignore the glares Derek kept shooting his way.

Sensing the tension in the room the rest of the pack made their excuses and left. Once the door to the loft had been shut Derek turned towards Stiles again.

Stiles sighed tiredly, "You know Sourwolf, it's a good thing you don't have laser vision. Because if you did, I'd have two burning holes in my head right now."

"I told you to stay put. And you didn't listen. Again."

"Yeah, well you should be used to that by now. I might be human, but that doesn't mean I can't help." Stiles finished dressing his wounds and finally turned towards Derek.

"Help? Stiles you deliberately put yourself between me and a hunter's blade! Why the hell would you do that? I can heal, and you can't!"

Anger bubbled under Stiles' skin, "Why? Those blades were infused with a very potent strain of wolfsbane! It's different than with the bullets, we would've needed the liquid antidote which was here. If you had even gotten nicked with that blade we wouldn't have been able to get you back here in enough time!"

"Stiles if that blade had gone any deeper or higher it would've killed you!" Derek angrily stepped into Stiles' space, "Do you honestly think that I.. that we would be able to function without you?"

Stiles saw the fear in Derek's face and he felt the fight drain from him. Derek's eyes dropped to the floor.

"But I'm fine Derek. These might scar, but I'll take that over you dying any day." Stiles admitted softly.

Derek's eyes jumped back to search Stiles'. There was something soft and vulnerable in Stiles' eyes that mirrored Derek's feelings. Feelings. The thought made Derek back away from Stiles like he had been stung. Stiles watched as Derek's face closed itself off.

"Better me than you. Stop putting yourself in harm's way." He growled.

"Why do you do that? Why are you constantly pushing me away? Am I so unappealing as a human that we can't even be friends?"

"No, that's not.."

"Then what the hell is it Derek because the whiplash is getting a little hard for me to handle."

Derek scrubbed a hand over his face, "You make me feel..." He cleared his throat and spoke louder, fiercer, like he wanted Stiles to understand. "You make me feel things. And I don't like it. I want it to stop. I'm not.. I'm not strong enough to lose anyone else."

"Der, I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you and I could've stopped it."

"Don't you get it Stiles? Everyone who ever gets close to me gets hurt or killed! Why won't you just stay away from me?! Why do you keep putting yourself in harm's way for me?!"

"Because I'm in love with you!" Stiles' outburst echoed through the loft. The silence that followed felt massive.

"What?" Derek breathed.

Stiles huffed a laugh and shook his head, "I'm in love with you, you beautiful disaster man. I have been for a while now."

"Stiles, I..." Derek surged forward to capture Stiles' lips with his own.

Stiles shook himself, no need to continue with that memory. He sniffed loudly and swiped at his eyes. Sometimes he felt stupid for crying over Derek. Stiles had spent over a year trying to find him. Worried that something had happened to him. Maybe he had been kidnapped, maybe he was dead. Stiles shook that last thought away. He had to believe that Derek was at least alive. The thing that hurt the most about the thought of Derek being alive, was that he never came back.

Fresh tears welled in Stiles' eyes and he cursed aloud. Swiping at them again he looked up at his surroundings to see where he was. He was in the middle of downtown Beacon Hills and the streets were empty. His eyes caught sight of a familiar dark and broody figure across the street. Stiles blinked against the rain water on his eyelashes. That couldn't be possible, could it?

"Derek?" The name came out like a prayer.

The figure's head snapped up and Stiles just barely heard his name through the rain. Before he could think to be angry, he was launching himself across the street.


Derek caught Stiles in stride in the middle of the street and dropped his nose to scent him.

"Oh god Stiles, I missed you. I missed you so damn much." Derek's shoulders shook as he squeezed Stiles tighter.

Stiles rubbed his cheek into Derek's hair before pulling back to look at Derek's face. "Where have you been? I looked for you, I waited for you."

A shadow crossed over Derek's face and he closed his eyes. Touching his forehead to Stiles' he took a shuddering breath.

"You have to know.. you have to believe me Stiles. I was coming home to you. But I was ambushed by a group of hunters. They kept me in a drugged state and transported me out of the country. It took a long time to escape and get back to the States. I had no passport, no phone." He choked on a sob and pulled Stiles closer.

"Oh god Derek. Hey look at me." Stiles tilted his chin to look him in the eye. "I love you."

Derek's eyes widened, as if he thought Stiles had stopped loving him. "I love you too." He tangled his fingers in Stiles' hair and crashed their lips together. Stiles broke the kiss with a gasp, but kept his eyes closed.

"And just so you know, I'm literally never letting you out of my sight again." Derek nodded against his forehead. "No I mean it Derek Hale. Never again."

"That's fair."

Derek brought their mouths together again. Always being in sight of Stiles sounded like a pretty good idea to him.

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