I Should Have Told You

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Stiles gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. The last phone call he had gotten from Scott ran through his mind over and over like a broken record. Getting a call instead of a text was enough to put Stiles in his jeep and on the road before it had rung more than once. Stiles... they took.. we need.. just get here! Shouts and what sounded like gunshots punctuating and drowning out every few words.

Stiles ground his teeth and sped up a little. Being only an hour away from Beacon Hills seemed like a perfectly good trade off in comparison to some of the rest of the pack that were across the country or across the ocean. But all Stiles could think about was how he had put off going home for the weekend to finish up some paperwork. And how he didn't know what or who had been taken. Stiles glanced over to his passenger seat to sweep over his phone with Scott's last pinged position, and his loaded guns next to it. Ready for him to grab as soon as he was stopped.

Scott's last position was in the preserve by the halfway house. Too close to the halfway house for his liking. Had hunters discovered it? Damaged it? Took any of the kids, or Derek? Derek. One second of thought on the name and Stiles' brain slowed to a crawl. Just like everything about Stiles slowed when Derek was involved. Except his heart of course, the man was the sweetest damn man alive and sexy as hell too. Stiles had been in love with Derek since he roared Isaac down in the police station. But life kept getting in their way and there was never the right time to tell him. Not when he fell to his death in an old mall, or died at the hands of the berserker. Or 6 years ago when Stiles drove across the country with him to save Beacon Hills. Not even when Derek decided to rebuild the Hale house and turn it into a halfway house for weres with nowhere to go. He loved that stupid selfless man.

Stiles passed the sign for Beacon Hills and snapped back into focus. If he pulled into the preserve guest lot, he could cut a wide path to Scott's last location without getting too close to the house. He skidded to a stop, grabbed his guns, and took off into the woods. Tearing through the trees as quietly as he could was a feat in of itself. He felt his chest puff a little when he thought of all the training he and Derek had done a couple summers before. He knew these woods like the back of his hand now.

He finally heard the commotion off in the distance and willed himself to go faster. As he got closer he could start to make out what was happening. Hanging from a tree in a net trap was Tally, Derek's littlest were. Anger burned white hot in his gut as Stiles got close enough to hear her screaming for Derek. The hunters stood in a semi-circle around her with their guns pointed out. He could see his pack taking cover behind trees, anytime they moved an inch, a hunter would fire at them. They were outnumbered and trapped.

He had managed to come up from behind the hunters undetected. He could see where the latch for the net was tied. He glanced up at Tally and his blood ran cold. Just to the right of her, hanging limp from his wrists, was Derek. Blood coated the side of his head and his shirt was torn and bloody. No matter how much Tally cried, he didn't move. He took a steadying breath and tore his eyes from Derek to look at Tally again.

"Tally." Stiles hissed, Tally stopped crying. "I'm here baby girl, but you can't let the hunters know ok? Stick out one finger for no and two for yes. Understand?" Two little fingers stuck out of the netting. "Perfect, you're doing great. Is the net wolfsbane ouchie?" One little finger poked out. Small victories Stiles thought, these hunters were amateurs. "Ok, here's what we're going to do Tally. You're going to stay up there for a little while longer where it's safe. And you're going to close your eyes ok? Keep 'em closed no matter what you hear ok?" Two fingers. "Good, close them now."

Stiles broke his cover, taking two of the hunters out and a third before he got to the next tree. Chaos broke in the clearing. Shouts of panic came from the hunters that didn't want to turn their backs from Scott and the others, but didn't want to have their backs to a new threat. Stiles threw his head back and howled to his pack and his chest swelled when he heard them howl back to acknowledge him. He glanced to his left to see the rope leading up to where Derek hung. Aiming carefully he shot at it before rolling his body around the other side to shoot at more hunters. He expected Derek's body to fall next to him, but it didn't. He was about to look up when a hand pulled him back behind the tree and suddenly he had a neck full of sourwolf. The world slowed to a stop as Derek leaned in and scented him.

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