Safer, Stronger Together

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Stiles stared at the clipboard attached to the ambulance door. Parent or Guardian. The words jumped out and his brain went into overdrive. Guardian. That was one of the facets of Jennifer's sacrifices.The answer to everything suddenly became so obvious he felt the breath fly out of his lungs. Of course. Melissa. Stiles turned and ran back into the hospital ignoring Isaac and Peter's cries. That's why it had been too easy. That's why she had looked like everything was going according to plan. She never had any intention of helping, she was just using them all and they fell for it.

Stiles ran through the halls, not daring to yell in case the alphas were still looking for them. His lungs burned with exertion and panic but he couldn't stop. He had to find either Melissa or Scott. He couldn't let Jennifer take Melissa too. He rounded the corner to see Scott standing in front of the open elevator. He called out and Scott turned just enough that he could see Derek lying motionless on the floor of the elevator. No.

"Scott!" Scott ignored him and ran up the roof access stairs. "Scott wait!"

Stiles felt the panic rear its ugly head as he ran closer to the elevator and Derek didn't move. He hesitated before running up after Scott. He'd come back for Derek as soon as he made sure Scott didn't do anything stupid. Slamming the door open he ran out onto the roof looking around frantically. Dread dropped into his chest like lead at the sight of Scott walking towards Deucalion.

"Scott! Don't do this, don't go with him!" He took a step closer reaching for his brother.

"I don't know what else to do Stiles"

"We can figure this out. We always, we always have a plan B Scott."

Scott set his jaw, "Not this time. I'll find my mom and your dad. I promise."

Without another word, Scott and Deucalion disappeared into the fog. Stiles turned on his heels and ran back into the hospital. He threw himself down the stairs in an attempt to get to Derek quicker. He crashed to his knees and shook Derek's shoulders. He couldn't see any outward injuries, but who knew what Jennifer had done to him.

"Derek!" Stiles pulled his hand back and slapped Derek across the face. He didn't even flinch.

"I just don't think we're getting the whole story."

"Why do you care?"

Because anytime I think of losing Derek I panic. I was devastated when we thought he died in that old mall. Angry when I knew she was using Derek just like Kate. I care because I'm in love with him. Stiles' panic grew, he slapped Derek again.

"Derek!" No. No! His eyes began to burn with tears. It wasn't supposed to be this way. "Derek come on!" He yelled desperately slapping him a third time.

Stiles' heartbeat was roaring in his ears and it was getting harder to breathe through the panic. He couldn't lose Derek now. I don't want to find my dad's body. He had said to Cora's unconscious form in the ambulance. Or Derek's. Is what he had refrained himself from saying. With one hand still on Derek's chest he pulled his arm back and fisted his hand. With a gasp Derek caught Stiles' wrist inches from his face. Stiles inhaled sharply and dropped his head to Derek's chest.

Taking a deep breath he realized what he had done and his head shot back up. Derek blinked up at him with a look that Stiles couldn't decipher. They held eye contact for what seemed like a long time as Stiles sent a silent thank you to the universe. Derek looked from side to side before looking back up at Stiles.

"Where is she?"

"Jennifer? Gone, with Scott's mom."

"She took her?"

"Yeah and if that isn't enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion. So we have to get you out of here. The police are coming right now and we have to get you the hell out of here."

Stiles pulled him up with a grunt to a sitting position. He didn't realize how close he had pulled him until he felt the breath leave Derek's mouth when he groaned. They were an inch apart from each other. Stiles felt something swell in his chest as he realized that Derek was still holding his wrist. How many times were they going to keep doing this? Trust each other more than anyone else. Save the other without a second thought. Stiles brought himself back to the moment. He could worry about all that at another time.

"What about Cora?" Derek asked as Stiles pulled him to his feet.

Stiles put Derek's arm around his shoulders for support as they ambled down the hallway. "Peter and Isaac got her out, they're going back to the loft."

Derek grunted in acknowledgement and seemed to sag into Stiles with relief. In that moment it felt as if something shifted between them. Almost like a bond solidifying in Stiles' chest. He wondered if that was just him reading too much into it or if it was more than that. He mentally shook himself and continued out the doors to his jeep. All he cared about right now was making sure that Derek was safe. If Derek was safe then they could make a plan. Stiles got Derek into the jeep before hopping in on the driver's side. He clenched the steering wheel for a moment before turning the keys. Stiles trusted Derek and judging by how Derek had been with him, he trusted Stiles too. Stiles knew in that moment that they could do this as long as they worked together. 

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