I Can Hear Your Symphony

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Stiles had always loved the way music made him feel. Or rather, how little moments and actions with people made him think of music. Like when his mom used to dance in the kitchen while cooking. The sun would come through the window and wash her in gold and all Stiles could hear when he thought of that memory was bright, bouncy piano. Or melancholy piano every time he visited her grave.

And every person was different when it came to the music/instrument Stiles would associate with them. His dad was a bold and strong upright bass. Scott was a drum set, constant yet unpredictable at the same time. Then all at once there was Derek. Beautiful, broken, soul wrenching violins filled Stiles' head with string symphonies every time they were together.

Today they were sitting in a little coffee shop in downtown Beacon Hills. Stiles had come home for fall break and Derek had been the only one to show up for coffee. He sat across Stiles giving him the rundown of the recent events. Soft, simple violins filled Stiles' head.

"So nothing abnormal has happened lately. It's been a little boring to be honest." Derek finished with a small smile.

"Yeah boring because you don't have my crazy ass in your loft annoying you all the time." Stiles quipped.

Derek threw his head back and laughed creating bright, joyful violins to play. A grin broke across Stiles' face as a faint blush painted his cheeks. Making Derek laugh was his favorite thing and he did as often as he could just to hear those violins. It had taken him a few years, but somewhere along the way, the harsh violins of their first meeting had begun to turn into happier ones. Sparkling green eyes looked back to amber ones and it once again occurred to Stiles how in love he was with the man sitting across from him.

Unbeknownst to the two, a witch smiled down into her tea on the other side of the cafe. For men who refused to voice how they felt, their minds were rather loud on the matter. The wolf in particular kept picking some rather fun love songs to associate with his Little Red. They clearly needed a little intervention to get their heads out of their asses. She finished her tea and walked up to the counter to talk to the baristas.

Stiles and Derek were mid-discussion on self defense tactics when a woman approached their table with a small plate. A heart shaped cookie sat innocently in the middle. They both looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. She smiled sweetly at them.

"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt, but my friend bought me this and I didn't have the heart to tell her I couldn't eat it. I'm allergic to the dye in the icing you see, and I would hate to waste it." She looked over at Stiles, "I happened to overhear you order a sweet drink so I thought I might offer it to you."

Stiles glanced around to notice there were no other customers currently in the café. "Oh, um. Thank you, I appreciate the offer." He took the plate gently from her.

"Oh no, thank you." She replied happily before turning to walk away. "Good luck with the symphonies." She called over her shoulder before leaving.

Stiles turned back to Derek with a confused frown. "What the hell was that about?" Stiles hissed.

"I have no idea, let me see that though." Derek lifted the plate towards his nose and gave it a good sniff.


Derek shook his head, "Just smells like a regular sugar cookie to me. She wasn't lying when she said she was allergic to the dye in the frosting. But her comment about symphonies was weird."

"Well." Stiles said with a shrug, "Don't want a good sugar cookie to go to waste do we? Wanna tempt fate and split it with me Sourwolf? I know you have a secret sweet tooth."

Derek huffed a laugh, "It's not a secret if you already know about it you dork."

Stiles broke the cookie in half and handed one to Derek. They tapped the two halves before taking a bite. Stiles hummed happily and took another, finishing his half in 2 bites. They sat in silence for a few minutes and finished their drinks. When neither of them foamed at the mouth or fell over they decided to part ways for the day.

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