Why Do You Care?

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The silence in the camaro was deafening. Stiles knew that Derek was mad at him, but Stiles didn't feel bad for the choices he had made. Stiles sighed heavily just to create some noise and instantly regretted it and winced at the pain in his ribs. He heard the steering wheel creak under Derek's grip and turned to look at him. Derek's knuckles were white, and his jaw could've cut steel; it was clenched so hard.

"Derek?" Stiles asked quietly. Derek didn't even acknowledge him. "What? So you're just not going to talk to me now?" Derek only seemed to get more upset, but continued to ignore Stiles. "Derek come on. Why won't you just talk to me?"

"I don't want to talk to you because you do stupid things, and you never listen" Derek spat at him without turning his eyes. "You nearly got yourself killed, again."

Stiles scoffed and turned to look out the window. "Why do you even care? It's not like you've actually cared about me getting hurt before."

Derek inhaled sharply through his nose, "I don't."

Liar, Stiles' brain supplied and he turned back around to look at Derek. "Oh yeah? Then why are you making such a big deal out of this if you don't care?"

"Because you stupidly stepped in front of a fucking shotgun!" Derek roared before slamming the car to a halt, his chest heaving. Stiles opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't get a word out before Derek was out of the car and slamming the door shut. Derek stood at the front of the car illuminated by the headlights, clenching and unclenching his fists. Affronted, Stiles scrambled to get out and go after Derek. He rounded around the front of the car to face Derek head on.

"I had a vest on, and I was only trying to protect you!" Stiles replied, anger simmering in his blood.

"Which was stupid because I'm a werewolf and I heal. You had already gotten clawed by the rouge that the hunter was going after. What if the damage from the werewolf had damaged the vest too much to protect you from the shotgun? Which it's not even really made for to begin with!" Derek shouted.

"Which isn't how it went, and we didn't know if that shotgun was infused with wolfsbane! Better for me to have a scratched arm and bruised ribs then for us risking you getting poisoned. Especially considering how far away we are from home! I'm fine, you're fine thanks to me. And technically you and I aren't even pack, we just ended up in the same spot at the right time! So I still don't understand why you're making a big deal out of this if you don't even care!" Stiles shouted back.

Something akin to a damn broke inside Derek at Stiles' words. His eyes flashed and claws bit into the flesh of his palms. Not even pack his ass.

"I'm making a big deal out of it because I care too much! Ok? Is that what you wanted to hear from me? Or that you're more pack to me than anyone else because you're the one that always shows up? But do you have any idea how it felt tonight to see that rouge go after you? To smell your blood from across the clearing and not know if it was fatal or not?" Derek closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. All he could see behind his closed eyelids was the memory of the night's events.

Derek tore through the woods after the scent of Stiles. The stupid kid had decided to go out into the woods on his own to find a rouge wolf. One that he was convinced they could get through to and make him pack. Derek wasn't so sure, so of course he followed Stiles just in case. It wasn't long before he tracked Stiles to a little clearing, he slowed just enough to not crash into the clearing when the wind shifted. Panic shot through Derek as the scent of the angry rouge came from the other side of the clearing.

"Stiles! Run!" Derek shouted as he broke through the ring of trees at the same time as the other wolf. Stiles didn't even get the chance to move before the wolf tackled him to the ground. The scent of Stiles' blood hit the air and Derek saw red.

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