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Stiles rolled up to the loft in his jeep, eyeing the two cars parked in their usual spots. He sighed heavily and wondered if Derek was even going to be there this time. It seemed as though every time Stiles showed up outside of pack meetings Derek was conveniently "out" doing something. Stiles rolled his eyes to himself. He wasn't stupid, he knew that Derek was actively avoiding him. Which bothered Stiles to no end because up until a few weeks ago they had started to become friends. At least that's what Stiles had thought. He'd been trying to talk to Derek and get to the bottom of why Derek was avoiding him. He sighed heavily, trying to get Derek to talk about anything in general is a feat, much less get him to talk about anything that involved feelings.

Stiles pulled the keys out of the ignition and sprawled himself out of the jeep. He shook himself a little and put a smile on his face as he reached the door to Derek's part of the loft. Using his key and pulling it open he was greeted by Peter's smarmy smile. Stiles closed the door behind him and kicked off his shoes. He stuck his hands in his hoodie and approached the kitchen island to sit across from where Peter was cooking.

"What's shakin' zombie wolf?" Stiles asked with a grin, trying to ignore the racing of his heart that they could both hear.

Peter stuck the pan in the oven and turned around with a roll of his eyes, "Now Stiles, what did we say about that nickname in particular?"

"That you prefer 'creeper uncle wolf'?" Stiles asked innocently.

"Why can't I get a decent one like 'big bad'?" Peter asked, his eyes glittering with mischief.

The smile faltered on Stiles' face just slightly, "That one is already taken, when the name holder deserves it anyways. Speaking of which, where is Derek anyways? I saw his car upfront."

"Ah, yes Derek. He decided to go out on a run a little while ago. Said he had some things to work out of his head. He should be back in a little bit since dinner is almost ready." Peter responded, eyeing Stiles' response.

Stiles set his mouth in a grim line, "I see. Well when he gets back will you tell him he needs to stop being an asshole and talk to me? Because this childish avoidance is really getting on my nerves. We're both adults and we should be able to have a freaking conversation over why he's being so ghosty."

Stiles pushed himself away from the counter and headed towards the door. He slipped his shoes on and pulled the loft door open. He threw a wave over his shoulder at Peter before closing it behind him. When he got to the jeep he took a glance over his shoulder to Derek's window slipping closed. Anger rolled in his gut as he shut himself in the jeep. Starting the engine he drove home, anger turning into hurt as he drove out into the preserve to the pack training spot. At the very least he could get some of his pent-up energy out.


Derek walked down the spiral staircase toweling his hair dry. His uncle was pulling the lasagna pan out of the oven. Derek sat at the island and waited for his uncle to turn around. Stiles' sad scent hung heavy in the air around them. Derek tried not to inhale too hard lest it make his scent change too.

Without turning around Peter spoke, "So Stiles stopped by again today. Seemed pretty upset over you avoiding him."

"I know, and I don't care." Derek muttered.

"You know what I heard just then?" Peter sneered, "Your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't care'."

Derek huffed his air through a gritted smile, "I think you need your hearing checked uncle. I have no reason to lie about how little I care about how Stiles."

Peter slammed the pan down on the counter, "God this is getting so annoying!"

"Excuse me?" Derek growled in response.

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